Antipassback Explained

It is recommendable to install the slave terminal outside the premises while the master terminal at the inside. The aforementioned installation is to prevent the master terminal from any unnecessary access and also prolong its life span. The slave terminal is a lot cheaper and easier to replace if any mishap occurs.
The slave terminal will be recording all the IN transactions (In terminal) while the master is capturing the OUT transactions (Out terminal). The master terminal will record all the transaction logs with the terminal ID, hence there will not be any confusion which transaction is taken from which terminal. The administrator can identify which terminal the user uses to verify and also gain access in to or out of the premises. Please refer to the table below before you apply the antipassback settings.
Written by Henry Pang
Is there a way to make the Master the IN terminal and the Slave the OUT?
ReplyDeleteDear Sir,
DeleteGood day to you.
With regards to your query, please refer to the following link on how to assign device as entry or exit device by using Ingress software:
Syed Mohd Firdaus bin Syed Mohd Fuzi
Please can you explain the different transaction mode descriptions (Check in, Check Out, Break, Resume, Overtime-in, Overtime-Out)
ReplyDeleteHello Sir,
DeleteGood day. The transaction mode descriptions is the check type selected by the user during the verification at the device. If your user are required to define In/Out Records, then this check type is required to be selected correctly in the device. Then later in the software, you are required to enable/disable employee define in/out records (
Please can you explain the check types and how the devices can be configured for just "check in" as we have just one device at our entrances.
ReplyDeleteIts urgent please.
Dear Sir / Ma'am,
DeleteGood day to you,
Referring to your inquiry, you can see the check type from the raw data downloaded from the device in the Data Audit List (refer The default Check Type code for our FingerTec device are as below.
00 - Check In
01 - Check out
02 - Break
03 - Resume
04 - OT
05 - Done
Kindly be informed that the check type will not affect your data if the time verified synchronize with the clocking schedule that has been assigned to the user.
Regarding the steps to configure just for "check in", may I know which FingerTec device are you using? Since different models have different ways to configure the check types.
Please send email to should you require further clarification on above issue as our team can assist you further.
Thanks & Best Regards,
Nursyafawani Kasram binti Mohd Hisham