New features Into new Ingress v2.2.2.2 - Migrating your TCMS data into Ingress
The new Ingress software (version allows you to migrate data from your TCMS v2 software into it. The types of data to can be migrated are as below:
- User (user info, fingerprint and face templates)
- Department- Schedule
- Group Duty Roster
- Leave types
- Remark
- Holiday
- Device
- Audit Data (Current year data only)
- System Setting(day type wages, Time format, hour format, date format, payroll cycle, first day of
week, payroll start date, currency symbol)
Before starting the migration process, please make
sure you download users data and transaction logs from all FingerTec devices.
Now, you can prepare the database backup file by using TCMS v2 software.
Run Ingress software and select Migration Wizard.
Select to read the TCMS backup ZIP file. Press Upload to proceed.
Next, you can select the types of data to import
into Ingress.
- Check every checkbox to include
the data to import.
Select either “(TCMS v2) Department under (TCMS v2) Section” or “(TCMS v2) Section under (TCMS v2) Department” according to your company hierarchy.
- Select the employees to import into Ingress. In the situation that the employee is no longer
working in the company, you will have the option to ignore he/she.
- Click Import Selected
The process is now complete.
Now, you can check into the User Profile and
Attendance tabs to see the effect.
Stay tuned as we will be making an announcement on
the launch of Ingress v2.2.1.8 soon!
Have any questions or inquiries about FingerTec? Drop your input here.