TCMS V2 Database Management and Housekeeping

Tuesday, May 31, 2016 TimeTec 5 Comments


Any unmaintained database will be accumulating problems in one or more areas, which can eventually lead to poor application performance or even downtime, data loss and file corruption.

When referring to computer program, housekeeping is a term used to describe the optimization of database. It commonly involves removing old or unused files and data, backing up, or running disk utilities such as a ScanDisk, Defrag, or simply an antivirus scan.


In this article, we will explain how to maintain the database and demonstrate some simple ways to manage and do housekeeping on TCMS V2’s database to keep the system organized and to ensure that it runs properly. It is advised for this routine to be performed at least six months once.


1.   First of all, before you make any changes on the database and system, it is
       recommended to backup the database file. In TCMS V2 software you can backup
       the database at System Setting > Backup/Restore Database > select Backup > Apply.
       You can also refer to the article in the link here.

2.   Once you are done with the backup process, close the program and open the TCMS V2
      folder file. By default the TCMS V2 folder are located in C:\Program Files (x86)\
      FingerTec Worldwide\TCMS V2. Delete all the .CDX file and remove database file
      named Attend.DBF, History.DBF, Clkdata.DBF, and Fptaudit.DBF to another folder.

3.   Replace a new fptaudit.dbf from here into the TCMSv2 folder.

4.   Go to C:\\ Program Files > FingerTec Worldwide > TCMSv2 > etcom and copy the
       _etcom file. Then paste the _etcom file into the remote
      folder inside the TCMSv2 folder. Start up the TCMSv2 software, go to Attendance and
      click Download.

      The system will download the raw clocking data from the _etcom file. After the
      process is completed, the system will delete the file that you paste in the remote

5.   Go to Employee tab and delete the user or employee who has resigned from the

6.   Last step is to proceed to the Attendance tab and generate new Attendance record
       based on the current transaction log and employee data. Perform the
       database backup again after you finish generate.
Kindly take note, by following these housekeeping steps, you can minimize the database size. If you need to view the transaction log that has been deleted, you can restore back the database file and retrieve User record and Transaction log by using the Restore Option features.

1.   To retrieve User or Employee Record, you can select Employee > tick on User  Record
       and Employee Management > select Employee you want to restore > Apply.

2.   To restore Transaction Log, you can select Devices > tick on Terminal Data Audit List >
       select the Date Range > select All terminal > Apply

3.   After you done this two step, please re generate the record at Attendance > Generate
      to view all the transaction log again.


  1. if i format the pc, but not backup program file, got possibility for get the data?

    1. Hello Sir,

      For your info, without the backup database file, you cannot retrieve back all the data from the previous system if you format the PC. Sorry for any inconvenience cause.

  2. TQ for the information Mr. Sharul Azmi Natnan..

  3. Hello sir,

    My fingertec v2 is verry laggy for open attendance... Is there anything to do with the data that has accumulated? Is the old data can be deleted to speed up my fingertec? If yes how to? Thx for replaying

    1. Hello Bhe Jhe Dayah,

      Regarding to your query, you can follow the instruction from above article on how to manage and removing the old database from TCMSv2 software to keep the system organized and runs properly. Please take note to backup the database file before you proceed to do this housekeeping. Regards.


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