How to Change User Privilege in FingerTec Devices via TimeTec TA

Monday, February 26, 2018 TimeTec 0 Comments

An Administrator plays an important role in managing users in FingerTec device such as enrolling a
new user into the device. However, this process can be a hassle when the assigned Administrator is
not available or the fact that the device is located in an area which is inaccessible to the

For companies that are using TimeTec TA, cloud-based attendance solution, we have just introduced
a new feature whereby an Admin of FingerTec device can be assigned via TimeTec TA to manage
situations like these to save time & energy, and to make sure that nothing gets delayed in an
absence of an administer. The assignment of device Admin can be done online quickly and easily.  

*Note: Only users with an Administrator role in TimeTec TA can change the User Privilege.

Below are the simple steps on how to change User Privilege in FingerTec Devices via TimeTec TA:

1.       Go to Device tab and then click on Assign Users to Device.

2.       Search the Name or User ID that you wish to assigned the role to.

3.       Click on Edit button and then change the Privilege to Admin.

4.       Then, click on Update button to save the changes.

5.  The next step is to upload the updated user information into the devices. Go to Device tab and
then click on FingerTec Terminal.

6.       On the Manage Terminal tab, tick on the device(s) that you wish to update its User Privilege
and then proceed to Manage Terminal>Upload User.

7.     Please wait until an Upload User window has popped-up before reviewing the status of the User

8.       Tick on the checkbox and click on the Submit button.

9.       Lastly, a confirmation window will pop-up and you can then proceed to click on the Submit
button to confirm the upload of user details within the selected devices.

NOTE: The User Privilege will be updated depending on the device’s network connection. The
device needs to be Online in order for the changes to occur.


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