How Does “Range” Work?

Wednesday, October 24, 2012 TimeTec 9 Comments

In recent months, we have received a growing number of troubleshooting enquiries regarding the Range option in the TCMS V2’s Clocking Schedule.

So, what is Range? Range is to determine the maximum time that one slot could record before it is considered as the time for the corresponding slot. For example, if a value for IN is 09:00 and the Value of Break is 12:00. When a staff clocks in at 11:30, the time will be recorded in Break column instead of in the IN column. This is because the system will take the midpoint from both the IN and Break time to determine which column the data falls into. Referring to the example, the time difference between IN (09:00) and Break (12:00) is 3 hours. The midpoint for the time difference would be 1.5 hours which is 10:30. So any time before 10:30 will fall in the IN column and any time after 10:30 will be automatically assigned into the Break column.

By using Range, you can change the software’s default data allocation system.

At the Range tab, insert the time 11:30 into the IN column. This will prompt the software to overwrite its default data allocation system and use the inserted time value to allocate the data. Now any time before 11:30 will fall in the IN column and any time after 11:30 will be automatically assigned into the Break column.   

The Range option is only applicable for weekly and daily schedules. If the employees are working according to the work schedule, you may ignore this option. The Range option is only for special work case scenario where it is needed to overwrite the software’s default data allocation system.

Contributed by Ery
Edited by Vincent


  1. hi i have a probleme when i set this type of schedule when a employe works half periode it count the whole periode for exemple i set the schedule like this :
    IN : 08.00 Break : 12.00 Resume : 14:30 Out 17:45
    when someone clocks IN : 08.00 break 14.00 it count 6hours instead of 4 hours why please it's urgent

    1. Hi Sts Maroc,

      Good day to you.

      Referring to your inquiry, Please follow below step;

      Open schedule setup > Click edit > Click Break tab > Tick "Deduct actual lunch time (resume-break) from work time" > Save > Open attendance sheet > Generate attendance sheet for all users.

      If still not solved, please backup your database then send to

  2. Hello I have problem regarding of generating attendance.
    I set the schedule like this;
    IN: 8:00 BREAK: 12:00 RESUME: 1:00 OUT: 5:00
    and when I generate it read the latest IN and OUT of the employee, for example the employee IN in the 8:00 of the morning and BREAK of 12:00 and RESUME at 1:00 and then OUT at 5:00. it reads the latest IN of 1:00 instead it is for the RESUME and OUT at 5:00. and the entry for the IN of 8:00 in the morning and BREAK of 12:00 does not appear. only appears the IN: 1:00 BREAK: "blank" RESUME: "blank" OUT: 5:00.

    please help me... I don't know what I'm going to do to fix this error. I'm very appreciate your help. Thank You!

    1. Dear Value Customer,

      Referring to your problem, kindly provide us the backup database file, some user IDs, date range and transactions that did not appear correctly in the attendance for our reference in doing the checking. You can email all the info to or you can directly liaise with your local reseller for further assistance.

      Thanks and Regards

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hi,
    I would like to display all the thumbprint time on the time sheet like this
    IN (8.00) Break (13:00) Resume(14:00) Out(17:00) OT (20:00) Done (23:00)

    currently, it only appears the end of it like below,
    IN (8.00) Break (13:00) Resume(14:00) Out(23:00) - missing the out (18:00)

    Also, my employees thumbprint for Sunday doesnt appear. I could not track if they do OT on Weekends. Pls help me. Its payroll day today. T^T

  5. Hi Evelynn,

    Good day

    Kindly refer answer below;

    I would like to display all the thumbprint time on the time sheet like this
    IN (8.00) Break (13:00) Resume(14:00) Out(17:00) OT (20:00) Done (23:00)

    currently, it only appears the end of it like below,
    IN (8.00) Break (13:00) Resume(14:00) Out(23:00) - missing the out (18:00)

    Please open schedule configuration settings. Make sure to fill in all the timing in the clocking box. (IN,BREAK,RESUME,OUT,OT,DONE)

    After done change settings in the schedule , please open attendance sheet and generate attendance sheet for all users.

    My employees thumbprint for Sunday doesnt appear. I could not track if they do OT on Weekends.

    A2 : You need to put Time for IN and OUT in the schedule settings (Sunday). If you leave it as blank, no clocking data will shown in the attendance sheet

    After done change settings in the schedule , please open attendance sheet and generate attendance sheet for all users.

  6. Hi gents
    My software is V2.2.025. I haven´t any records today Sunday_22/10/2017. I create the schedule with Sunday as a workday, then allocate the roaster but no records in any Sunday... How can I fix it?

    1. Hi Nuno Nmas,

      Good day to you

      Please click Devices > Data Audit List , then check either all the clocking data on Sunday 22/10/2017 is available or not.

      If all the data is available in the Data Audit List, please open the attendance sheet and select to generate attendance sheet for all users.

      If you still no data appear in the attendance sheet, please backup the TCMSv2 database, then send to for further checking.


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