How to Change Background Image in TA500

Monday, July 27, 2015 TimeTec 16 Comments


The TA500 default background image is shown as below. However, this picture is not permanent and you can change it to your preference.  Let’s learn how to do it.

You can make TA500 your own by inserting your company’s preferred image to the display for example your company’s logo, your company’s cause such as environmentally friendly message and many more. You can change this page as you like to suit your company’s requirements.

To change the TA500 default screen to your preferred imagery, you must make sure your image fulfill below conditions : 

1. Image with size of 160x205.
2. In bitmap image type.
3. Rename image as mainr.bmp
4. Mirror the image and rotate it 180 degrees (refer explanation below)
5. Make sure the pendrive is empty (doesn't has others picture or files)

Refer to the diagram below for the image properties.

Note: Make sure that you mirror the image and rotate it 180 degrees, if you forgot to do so, the image will appear backward and tilting.

Double check the image name and the dimension of the image. Save the image to your USB pendrive and plug in the pendrive to the TA500 USB port on the left side of the terminal.

Next, hold the Menu button to access to the Menu page.

Select System and choose update firmware from the system page.

 A pop up message will appear requesting confirmation to update the firmware of your terminal.

After that the system will execute the update and you can see the below picture during the update process.

Once done, system will pop up an error message as per below, stating that the update failed. Press OK to skip this message. The reason to this error is the TA500 is unable to locate the update files required for the firmware update but only able to find the image file for the update. However, the background image has been updated to the terminal successfully.

After your disregarded the error message, please restart your terminal to apply the changes you made to the terminal. You can view the result as per below.

It is that easy. Now start looking for the image you want to display on your terminal.


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IngressVMS Web Application

Wednesday, July 15, 2015 TimeTec 0 Comments

Registration via web and sample of email notifications

The Ingress Visitor Management System (IngressVMS) is a fully automated web-based solution from FingerTec designed to track and manage visitors to facilities. It works as a plugin to our existing FingerTec’s Ingress access control system and interacts with the same MySQL database that Ingress uses, requiring activation and adjustments of some options and configurations in Ingress software prior to using IngressVMS. IngressVMS is a great addition to Ingress solution because apart from managing visitors, IngressVMS offers benefits beyond security. By using the VMS System, you can maintain a clean visitor list and filter out hostile visitors. IngressVMS can expedite visitor registration process by allowing the registration to be done online.

The online registration of IngressVMS makes things easy for visitors and visitee to arrange for meetings with both people being informed of the appointments status beforehand. This will save a lot of time and the company gets complete information about its visitors in the system. 

Step 1:
Please make sure that the email settings are set correctly in your Ingress Software.

1.     Make sure the SMTP email configurations are fine.
        Go to System Settings tab > Email > Configure the SMTP Server, SMTP Port, SMTP Email
        and SMTP Password.

2.      Make sure all the employees have valid email addresses.
Step 2:
Before your visitors can use the IngressVMS Web Application, you need to provide them with a dedicated URL for them to access the IngressVMS website. You might need the IT expert to set the fix IP to your network for the Ingress software to run. The URLs that you need to furnish to your visitors are similar like the addresses below.

Sample URL:-
Public IP address:
Local Area Network:
Step 3:
Once this URL is accessible, visitors can visit the URL from any web browser to fill up the registration form.

When an application from a visitor is submitted, the application will be forwarded to IngressVMS and email notifications will be sent out to both the visitor and visitee.

Visitor’s notification:
Your visitee will receive a notification as per the below sample:

The visitee must notify the system administrator or the front desk personnel whether to approve or deny the visitor’s application under the Web Application Status tab.

At the tab, there will be a number on the right hand corner. This indicates the number of online registration pending for approval.

Click into the Web Applicants Status Tab:
To approve an application:
Click Approve > Insert text to notify the visitor > Approve > The system will send an email to notify the visitor accordingly.

To deny an application:

Click Deny > Insert reason of rejection > Deny > The system will send an email to notify the visitor.


When the visitor arrives at the front desk, the system administrator needs to login to the system and search for the visitor’s information, and then fill up the remaining details of the visitor and his visit before he can be checked-in.


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TimeTec Cloud Remote Support

Wednesday, July 15, 2015 TimeTec 0 Comments

TimeTec Cloud, our cloud-based attendance system offers a new feature for users to enable the Support Team to log in to their system without compromising their login credentials, and without a Teamviewer session.

By having this option, users will be able to provide remote support login without compromising their password, and it is easier than providing a Teamviewer session, which normally will cause lag and slow responses of the system.

All you need to do is to login to the system as the Administrator, then go to System Settings, under Configuration tab, and tick the check-box “Allow TimeTec Support to access my account”.

Once done, you need to go again to the Configuration tab, and click on Company Profile. Here, you can find your Company ID and Company Name. 

Next, you need to contact our support team at, and provide us with the Company ID (compulsory) and your company name or the administrator’s email address so that we can remotely login to your system and assist you accordingly.


Have any questions or inquiries about FingerTec? Drop your input here.

How to Troubleshoot the Electromagnetic Lock/Door that Won’t Open

Monday, July 13, 2015 TimeTec 41 Comments


FingerTec Door Access readers can be paired with FingerTec AdapTec Plus/Adaptec X with electromagnetic locks to secure your premises’ door. These locks have a built-in safety feature that will disable the lock during emergencies. The designs and type of electromagnetic locking systems vary with the type and usage of the doors on which they are installed.


A single AdapTec Plus/Adaptec X can provide power to a maximum of 2 units of FingerTec terminals and 2 sets of door lock accessories such as EM Lock and drop bolt in one single system installation simultaneously for a cost effective access control system suitable for small and medium sized offices. However, there are rare instances where the EM Lock just won’t open due to some reason. The process below explains what can be done to troubleshoot the problem.


To troubleshoot the electromagnetic lock that won’t open during verification, follow the steps below.

Step 1:
Connect a Push Button on the AdapTec Controller to test whether the EM Lock can open when the push button is pressed. If the EM Lock still fails to open when the push button is pressed, proceed to Step 2.

Step 2:

Check the Wiegand wiring between the Device and Adaptec Controller, and ensure that the correct ports are used (D0, D1 and GND). Also, check the condition of the cables (you can use the continuity test to check the cables).

(For AdapTec X)

(For AdapTec Plus)

Step 3:

If the EM Lock still does not release, update the device’s firmware. You can use the device info tool ( to check the platform version to avoide updating the wrong firmware to your device.

Step 4:

Be sure that the settings in the device has been turned on. For R2 and Kadex, go to Menu > Option > Comm Opt > Adaptec Plus > Change to Y.

For other models besides R2 and Kadex, you can turn on the function by using the FT Function Tools which can be obtained here

Insert the device’s IP Address > Click Connect > check the Adaptec Plus Box > select ON > Update > Restart.
Step 5:
If all the steps above still failed to release the EM lock, we can confirm that the AdapTec is faulty. You can proceed to claim warranty to get a replacement unit if it is still under warranty.


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Connect Your FingerTec Terminals to FingerTec Cloud Center (FCC)

Monday, July 13, 2015 TimeTec 1 Comments


FingerTec Cloud Center is the brand’s free data storage facility offered to all our customers as an added value service when buying FingerTec brand of biometric products. In the FingerTec Cloud Center or FCC, customers can save their terminal information, transaction logs and user data as backup to prevent mishaps in data handling. The data kept in the FCC is in raw format and it is only readable when transferred to Ingress software for now and consequently to TimeTec Cloud and TCMS V2 towards year-end.


Keeping the data in the FCC provides the customers with ease of mind knowing that the data is intact and is not lost even if there is mishandlings of the terminal’s data and information by any unauthorized or novice users. The FCC service is FREE of charge, and the data will be kept for 3 months based on the FIFO (First In First Out) rule.


To connect your devices to the FCC, follow the steps below based on the device’s model.

Step 1:

Log in to your FCC account and get the Webster IP and Port No. on the bottom left of the page.


Step 2:
Determine your device type and follow the steps to set the Webster IP and Port No. accordingly.
For Color Screen (AC100C, TA100C, TA200 Plus, R3, Q2i)

Go to Menu > Comm. > Web Setup > Set the IP and port according to the information obtained from your FCC page.

For Color Screen (AC100C FMM, TA100C FMM)

Go to Menu > Comm. > Webserver > Set the Server Address and Server Port according to the information obtained from your FCC page.

For i-Kiosk 100 Plus

Go to Menu > Comm. > Webserver Settings > Set the Webserver IP and Webserver Port according to the information obtained from your FCC page.

For Face Series (Face ID 2, Face ID 3, Face ID 4, Face ID 4d)

Go to Menu > Connection > Webster Setting > Set the Webserver IP and Server Port according to the information obtained from your FCC

For Black & White Screen Series (Kadex & R2)

Go to Menu > Options > Comm Opt > Webserver IP > Set the IP obtained from your FCC page > Web Port > Set the port obtained from your FCC page

Once these settings is configured correctlyyou can now use our the FCC to backup your devices’ data safely.

Note: Please be informed that the rollback function is only available for Ingress software at the moment. Rollback function for TCMS V2 and TimeTec will be made available by year end.


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