Connecting Ingressus Controller to COMM RS485 for Ingress

Tuesday, December 22, 2015 TimeTec 1 Comments


FingerTec’s terminals offer a few communication methods including TCP/IP, RS232/485 or USB client. Communication configuration is very important because a lot of tasks such as enrolment, download/upload transactions and update user information can be performed from the software. If the terminal is connected via TCP/IP or RS232/485, users will be able to synchronize the changes or information from the software.


Besides TCP/IP, RS485 communication is an inexpensive local network with multi-drop communication links. Since RS485 is using a twisted pair cable type, which can support connection distance up to 1200m (4000 feet).


1.    During terminal activation, go to Devices > Add Device

     2.   The Ingressus controller needs to be configured as below:
         Device Type                     : Ingressus
         Device Name                  : (Compulsary to be filled)
         Communication Mode   : RS232/RS485
         Serial Port                       : Depend on the computer serial port. (Please refer to point
                                                   #3 to check the Serial Port number)

         Baudrate                         : 38400

         Please take note that the Baudrate for first time configuration is 38400. Ingressus 
         controller’s default baudrate is 38400. User will fail to communicate or connect to the
         controller if other baudrate is selected.

    3.   You can check the serial port number at your PC’s Device Manager > Ports (COM & LPT) >
          Look for the Serial Comm Port and the COM port numbers displayed in brackets. In the

          screenshot below, you can see the serial port used is COM 4.

      4.   After completed the configuration above, click at the Add button and the system will show
            “Device added successfully” message, if the activation is successful.


Have any questions or inquiries about FingerTec? Drop your input here.

Blast the External Siren Loudly with Face ID 4d

Tuesday, December 22, 2015 TimeTec 0 Comments


FingerTec’s Face ID 4d Terminal can be customized to support External Schedule which is useful in alerting employees to change shift or clocking status. However, take note that upon enabling this option, the Door Access feature of this device will be disabled.


By using the external bell function, you can increase the volume of the alert bell so it can be heard from a distance. This is suitable for industrial working environment, such as factories.


1.      Update the firmware of the device. You can download the customized firmware from here.
       **Note: By updating this firmware, Door Access feature of this device will be disabled           

-       Run the FTFaceID4.exe > Insert Device’s IP Address > Connect > Update > Restart

2.      Set the Schedule Bell on Face ID 4D, select External.

Go to Menu Date/Time > Bell > Select Schedule Bell > Insert your bell trigger date and time followed by the trigger period.
3.      Connect the device to the external siren as shown in the wiring diagram below:
And you are ready to test it! Make sure you are not too close to the siren to avoid damage to your ears. 


Have any questions or inquiries about FingerTec? Drop your input here.

Troubleshooting Ingress Server – Client Connection

Tuesday, December 22, 2015 TimeTec 20 Comments


Ingress is multi-user software with a Client-Server model, which means it can be used by multiple users concurrently. This article will explain to you the steps to connect Ingress Client to Ingress Server smoothly.


By following these steps, users will be able to log in to Ingress from Ingress Client effortlessly.


(A)   Ingress version installed in the Client PC must be the same as the one installed in the Server PC. For example, if you are running Ingress v3.0.4.9 in the server, you need to make sure that the Ingress Client is of the same version.

(B)  Enable Port 3000 and 3306 in Windows Firewall settings at both the Client and Server PC.

1)     Go to the Control Panel and select Windows Firewall.

2)     Select Advance settings from the left panel.
3)     Click on Inbound Rules, followed by the New Rule.
4)     Select Port and click Next. Select TCP, insert 3306 at Specific local ports and click Next again.
5)     Select Allow the connection and click Next, followed by ticking on Domain, Private and Public.
6)     Finally, insert a name for this set of firewall rules as Ingress Server 3306 and click
7)     Repeat step 1-6 for Outbound Rule

8)     Repeat step 1-7 for Port 3000 and name it “Ingress Server 3000”

(C)   MySQL Instance Configuration Wizard
1)     In the Server PC, go to Start Menu, and search for MySQL Instance Configuration Wizard, and launch it.
2)     Un-tick the “Enable Strict Mode” option.
3)     Enter your current “root” password at all 3 fields so that the root password will not change. Then, tick the “Enable root access from remote machines” option.
4)     Execute and wait until all 3 steps are completed.

(D)   Run DBInstaller.exe at Ingress Server PC.

1)     Go to Start Menu and search for Ingress DBInstaller, and launch it

2)     Key-in the “root”password of your database

3)     Click “Test Connection” > “Update Connection” > “Upgrade Database”.
Now that the connection is established between the Client and the Server, connect to your Ingress without any problems! 


Have any questions or inquiries about FingerTec? Drop your input here.


Tuesday, December 22, 2015 TimeTec 7 Comments


The latest version of TA100C and AC100C devices are equipped with the new Core Board version known as FMM 100, replacing the FEM510. The new coreboard is loaded with 800MHz microprocessor, 128MB RAM and 256MB flash memory.

With the new coreboard, you can experience the newly designed menu icons and faster data processing.

However, due to the fact that FEM510 and FMM100 models are running on different platforms, uploading user photos into FMM100 model devices cannot be done directly from our bundled software.


Having a photo identification during fingerprint verification will further validate that the machine is capturing the correct user.

This tool will allow administrators to upload multiple user photos at the same time, without requiring any use of software.


To upload user photos into FMM100 devices, please follow the steps below:

Step 1:

Make sure the device is connected to a PC. You can test the connection by pinging the device’s IP address, and connect it to Device Info tool (Refer :

Step 2:

Download the “FT User Photo” tool from this link here.

Step 3:

Prepare the user photo appropriately according to the specs.
-          The resolution of the photo must be 320x210px , and the size must not be more than  
-          File type must be in JPEG format (.jpg)
-          Rename the user photos the same as the user IDs (for example user ID is 900, the photo  must be renamed as 900.jpg)

Step 4:

Copy all user photos and paste them in the “FT User Photo” folder (User photo must in the same folder with the FTUserPhoto tool)


Step 5
-          Turn OFF your PC’s Wifi,Firewall and Antivirus  
-          Run the FTUserPhoto tool
-          Insert device IP address (Tool will show the device information once connected)


Step 6:
-          Tick User Photo (box 1)
-          Then click the button (box 2) and Select user photos.


Step 7:

Click update button

Step 8:
After successfully updating those photos, you will be able to see the photo during verification process. Refer the picture below.




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