TimeTec – Profile Layouts and Data Fields

Tuesday, June 28, 2016 TimeTec 0 Comments

This post was originally published in June 2016 and was updated in Jan 2019.

Please note that the information and images below refer to TimeTec TA software. However, this particular module/ feature is also available in TimeTec Patrol and TimeTec Leave with the same rules and functionality, hence you can also use this as reference for all three abovementioned softwares.

TimeTec TA has launched a new feature which conveniently allows the admin to add data fields in the user profile layout.  

Some companies require different types of information. TimeTec TA System Admin will be able to customize accordingly the additional data fields to match company preconditions in the user profile layout and determine the viewing rights between admin views and normal user views.

To customize the Profile Field layout, here’s what you need to do:

Step 1 > Set Data Field

Set the additional data fields you require, for example Marital Status, Insurance No., Passport No, Spouse Name, etc.

Step 1.1 > Go to Company > Profile Field > ‘Manage Data Field’ tab. Click on the Add Button

Step 1.2 > Add Customized Data Field

Module to Apply - User Module (This feature only supports to add customized data field in the user module)
Data Type – Users may select the data type they require
·         Text - Single line textbox that may contain up to 2000 characters
·         Text(Multiple Lines) – Multi line textbox that can contain up to 2000
·         Check box - A field that can have two posibble values. Examples "True or False" ,
            "Yes or No"
·         Date - A date field where you can configure to suit your requisite
·         Date and Time - A date and time field with a date and time selector
·         Email - Input field that should contain an email address
·         Number - A number
·         Pick List - Selection from a list of custom values
·         Pick List (multiple selection) - Multiple selection from a list of custom values
·         Url - A Web link of which when its clicked, it navigates to the appropriate
·         Label – A bolded text used to indentify something

Step 1.3 > Data fields created will be displayed in the Profile Field to be included in the layout settings.
Step 2 > Add Data Fields into Profile Field

The data field you created should appear here. Select the data field and apply them to the Default or a new Profile Field. Once completed, you can assign users to the profile. User view will be limited to the Profile Field assigned to them respectively.

Note: One user can only be assigned to one profile field.

Step 2.1 > Click Add/Edit Button

Step 2.2 >  The Created Data Field Will Appear Here

Step 2.3 > Under the Edit Profile Field settings, you can:

·         Select Admin or User view
·         Apply data field to the Profile Field

Displayed on the right column (Circled in Red), is the default fields available in this Profile Field.

Displayed on the left column (Circled in Blue), is your Customized Data Field that can be added into the Profile Field.

> Drag and drop any required data field from the left column to the right column.

> You can also remove data fields from the right column using same method (drag and drop to the left column) or clicking on the Disabled button. 

Step 3 > You May Check the Data Field in the User Layout

Click User > Manage User > Click Edit


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Download & Upload User Data and Download Transaction Data Using USB Flash Disk to Ingress

Tuesday, June 28, 2016 TimeTec 0 Comments

Network and communication between FingerTec devices and software allows user to work remotely and enhance efficiency at the same time. A proper and stable network is surely an advantage for user to transfer employees and transaction logs just by a simple click. However, we understand that not all places are equipped with Internet and the terminal might need to operate on a standalone mode. In such situations the USB flash disk plays an important role to transfer data to/from terminal to/from the software for processing.

By having this features in the hardware and software, the terminal is able to operate the device on a standalone mode without extra wiring to get data back to the software. This feature will also benefit the place that does not have Internet connection.

* Important note: All downloaded USB file (in .dat format)  must be encrypted. Files that are not encrypted wont be able to be read in Ingress software.

Download Users
1.    Go to the Users Tab > Read User from USB

2.   a)    Select the USB drive
b)  Click at the “From USB” button
c)  Double click “user.dat” and the user information will be shown at the right
      panel of the window.
d)  Select user to transfer to Ingress and click the “Download” button.

3.  Go to User and You Will See the New Users in the List.

Download Transaction
    1)   Go to the “Attendance” Tab > Import Transaction Log

   2.    a)    Select the USB drive
b)  Click at the “From USB” button
c)  Double click “attlog.dat” and the transaction log will show at the right
               panel of the window.
          d)  Click the “Download” button to download the logs to the
   3.  Go to the Audit List and You Will See the Transaction Logs in the List.

   Upload User

1.   Go to the “Users” Tab > Export User to USB

2. A Smaller Window Will be Prompted for You to Insert Some Information

3.  a)     Select the user(s) to export
     b)     Select the flash disk drive
      c)     Select the user information to export
      d)     Click the button “Export”
Now you can bring the USB Flash Disk to upload the user information to the terminal.

Troubleshoot - Unable to download transaction log from USB

1. Have you done terminal activation? Download of clocking data from the terminal is not possible without the activation process being done prior. Please activate your FingerTec terminal.

2. Is configuration of the terminal ID in software exactly the same as the device number? To check the device number, follow this instruction: Press Menu > Option > Comm. Option > Dev. Number. 

3. Have the device connection in the software (Comm Mode) been set to USB connection? If not, please do so. 

4. Please make sure the USB file downloaded from the device is in an encrypted file format [ you can open the file by using notepad to check ]. This is applicable for certain devices such as TA100C where the encryption for USB download option can be turned on or off. 

Update in November 2017:

In Ingress version v3.1.2.12 and above, we’ve added a new option to browse the path of User/Attendance USB file for importation to software. Before this, the option is only available with the USB flash disk drive location, where you need to copy the downloaded User and Attendance record from the terminal with .DAT file into the USB flash disk and plug it into the PC to read all the information.

With this new feature, you can save the user data and the transaction log (with .DAT file) that you have downloaded inside the computer itself. At the same time, you can share the .DAT file through Email, Skype or any cloud storage.

For further information, please refer to Import User and Attendance Record with USB (.dat File) from the Folder Path.


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Change Port Number for TCMS V2 Viewer

Tuesday, June 28, 2016 TimeTec 1 Comments


FingerTec® TCMS V2 Viewer is a web based interface for TCMS V2 administrators and users to view his/her attendance sheet on a web browser on multi-platform from anywhere. The viewer implements the basic features that are available in TCMS V2 by using the Microsoft .NET framework 2.0.


User does not need to install any other software at the computer before using the TCMS V2 Viewer. Some of the features available are querying for a user attendance sheet data, printout of attendance sheet report from any computer through a web browser.

By default TCMS V2 Viewer is using port number 80 for a web based system. If there are other systems that uses the same port number, it might interrupt TCMS V2 Viewer application. However, you can change the port number by referring to the below steps.


1.    By default TCMS V2 Viewer is using port number 80.

2.   To change the port number, go to the control panel > Administrative Tools > Internet
     Information Services (IIS) Manager > Default Web Site > Bindings > Choose http > Edit

3Change the port number > Okay > Restart.

4After the changes are done, you can access TCMS V2 Viewer using a new port number.


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Configuring Instant Message Display of Terminals through Ingress & TCMS V3 Software

Wednesday, June 15, 2016 TimeTec 7 Comments


Instant Message Display is a feature available in Ingress (ver 3.0.5 onwards) & TCMSV3 software, where it allows you to create an Instant Message to public (all users) or to set personal message in FingerTec devices to individuals.

There are two types of Instant Message, which are:
a)      Message on device: All users can see this message by pressing the shortcut key
          (View SMS) on the device.
b)      Message for user: The message will appear automatically after the specified user
      successfully verified themselves at the device.

You also can set the Start Date and End Date for the Instant Message according to your own preferences.

Before we proceed, please refer to this link for more details regarding which device supports this particular feature, SMS (Short Messaging Service)


This Instant Message Display feature can be used as a mean of communication, to convey important messages or news to users. This feature can also be used to send personal message to a specified user to inform him/her of any news, memos, or even a birthday wish.

Special Note:
Please be informed that the below configurations are done on Ingress software, as shown in the accompanying images. However, this can also be applied in TCMS V3 to achieve comparable results, as the configuration is similar with only a slight difference in interface.
1.       Create a Message on Device or Message for Users by going to Devices > Instant 
            Message Display > select ‘Message on Device’ or ‘Message for Users’ > Edit > Add >
            insert Message ID, SMS and Date range > click OK and Save

2.        Upload the Instant Message to your Device(s)
            i) Click Write to Device.

3.       Erase the Message from Device(s).
          i) Go to Devices > Instant Message Display > Select ‘Message on Device’ or ‘Message
             for Users’ > Click Erase from Device


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