15 TCMS V3 Most Common Technical Questions Answered

Tuesday, August 09, 2016 TimeTec 268 Comments

Q1: I do not have Internet connection at my TCMS V3’s PC. How could I obtain the product key to activate my device(s)?
A: You can forward an e-mail to our support team at support@fingertec.com with the following details for us to generate the product key(s) for you:

Serial Number:   
Terminal Model:               
Company Name:

Once we've received the details from you, we will generate the product keys you need and send it to you. Now, you have to select Offline activation and key in the Product Key to activate your device. 

Key in the Product Key in offline mode
Q2: I want TCMS V3 to automatically download the attendance logs from the device, without requiring me to manually download the data daily. Can TCMS V3 cater to my requirement?

A: Definitely. For your information, TCMS V3 performs automatic download on real-time basis when a device is connected to the software. However, if the connection is unstable, or the device’s connection is lost, you can set up an Automatic Download Interval. This can be done by following these steps: System Setting > System Parameter Setting > Attendance. By going here, you are given two options to set up the Automatic Download Interval, as explained below:

a) Auto Download Transaction Log Interval (HH:mm): You can key-in a value in HH:mm format for the automatic download process to run. For example, if you set 00:30, the system will automatically download the attendance logs every 30 minutes.

b) Specify daily download timer for the system to activate the automatic download process everyday: You can set up to two times for the data to be downloaded automatically on daily basis. You can insert the time that is desired for the automatic download process to run. For example, 10.00am and 7.00pm. By configuring this option, the system will automatically download the attendance logs at 10.00am and 7.00pm daily.

Note: To make sure that the download process runs correctly, you must ensure that you have ticked the option “Perform daily download when the computer is powered on” option, so that a Windows Service will be created to download the logs, even though Ingress software is not running at that moment. You must also ensure that you configure only ONE of the options above, either a or b, so that the system will not conflict between these two options.

Q3:  I’m using TCMS V2 now and very much interested to switch to TCMS V3. How should I transfer the data from TCMS V2 software into TCMS V3 safely?

A3:  We have prepared the Migration Wizard in TCMS V3 to migrate your TCMS V2 database into TCMS V3. Please note that the manually edited data in your TCMS V2’s attendance will not be migrated because the data migration only takes the raw clocking in your Audit list, and generate a new attendance sheet in TCMS V3.  You can follow these steps to migrate your database into TCMS V3:

a) Backup your TCMS V2 software, by following these steps: System Setting > Backup/Restore Database Files > Backup > Apply. Once done, you can get your database zip file in your TCMSv2 folder in your local drive. Note: You must make sure that you are using TCMS v2.2.027 to make the backup. If you are using an older version of TCMS v2, please first update your software to v2.2.027. The installer of TCMS v2.2.027 can be downloaded here 
b) Next, open TCMS V3, and run the Migration Wizard for FingerTec TCMS v2, as shown below.
c) Browse and select the TCMS v2 database .ZIP file that is located in your TCMSv2 folder, and click Upload. Follow the Wizard’s instruction until the migration process is complete. Once done, all your TCMS v2 data will be migrated into your TCMS v3 software, accordingly.

Q4: Can TCMS V3 be shared into multiple PCs so that multiple users can log in to the software?
A4: No, TCMS v3 is designed to be used in a single PC, and cannot be shared or installed in multiple PCs, as it may corrupt the database of the software, thus causing data loss. However, multiple user accounts with different roles can be created in the software. To do so, you can go to System Setting > System User > User Roles and User Accounts. 

Q5: Can TCMS v3 be configured to make automatic backups?
A5: Yes, you can set the daily backup timer for TCMS v3 by going to System Setting > Database Configuration > Set the time for automatic backup to run.

Q6: I have multiple branches that are using FingerTec’s Time Attendance devices. Can I connect all those remote devices to my TCMS v3, which is located at the Head Office?
A6: Yes, you can use Dynamic DNS or Port Forwarding to connect your remote devices to your TCMS V3. To connect devices that are using Dynamic DNS or Port Forwarding, you must check the “Quick Connect” when you add your devices.

Q7: Can I monitor user’s transactions in TCMS V3 on real-time basis?
A7: Yes, you can go to the Monitoring tab to view all the transactions that have been done at your terminal(s) on real-time basis. To ensure that Monitoring module runs properly, please make sure that the device’s connection with the software is stable.

Q8: I cannot access my device’s menu, as the previous administrator has resigned from our company. How do I reset the device to enter the device’s menu? Can it be done through TCMS V3?
A8: If your device is blocked by administrator’s privilege, resetting the device will not solve your problem. You just need to clear the administrator privilege in your device to access the menu. This can be done in TCMS V3 by going to Devices > Double-Click Device Name > Other > Clear Admin Privilege. Once done, you will be able to access the device menu, to register a new administrator.

Q9: I want to assign leaves to some users. How do I do that in TCMS v3?
A9: You can assign leaves to users by going to Scheduling & Attendance > User Duty Planner > Double-click User name > Edit > Right-click on the leave’s start date > Leave Type > Select Leave Type and Effective Date > Save.

Q10: How do I configure the Public Holidays in TCMS V3?
A10: You can assign the public holidays into your duty calendar by going to Scheduling & Attendance > Holiday List > Select Calendar or List View > Edit. There are two options to set the holidays, which are by using the Calendar View, or the List View.
If you are using the Calendar View, you can set the holiday by double-clicking on the holiday date on the calendar, then assign the Holiday Description and the effective date.

If you are using the List View, you can click on the Add button, and define the Holiday Description and its effective date.
Q11: What is the default username and password to login the TCMS V3 software?
A: You can refer to the following information for your login credentials on TCMS V3 software
Username: admin
Password: 123

Q12: For security purposes, I want to change the default password of TCMS V3 software. How do I do that?
A12: You may change the default login password by going to the TCMSv3 icon > Change Password > Change password box will be prompted out - fill in the password details > Click Update once you finished changing the password 
Old Password: 123
New Password: Fill in your new preferred password [ to increase the security: use at least 8 characters with capital letters and numbers]
Confirm Password: Reconfirm the new password

Q13: Why does Click to sync all device info message keeps popping up in TCMS V3?

A: Once you have made any changes in TCMS V3 software (e.g: edit users’ details, change device settings such change IP address, etc.), TCMSv3 will prompt out this message to inform the user to update the changes into the device(s) to complete the whole process.

Once you make any changes [eg: add user’s password] > Click to sync all device info message prompted out > Click Start Synchronize > Choose which devices to be updated with recent changes > Click Start Synchronize to update the changes

Q14:  It is very time consuming to update the details for each user one by one [e.g.: issuance date]. How can I maximize my task in handling the users’ update details?
A14: You can update multiple users’ details by using the Batch Update User option. You can refer below for options offered in Batch Update User tab: You may select the users by department or individual users > Select the options that you want to update by batch > Click Save
Department – To change the department of a group of users.
Issuance date – To change users’ issue date as it will be reflected on the attendance sheet.
Expiry date – Setting the expiry date of a group of users. The transaction data will not appear in the attendance sheet after the expiry date.
Suspended – You can suspend a group of users and block them from accessing the device.
Group Duty Roster – To change the Group Duty Roster of a group of users.

Q15: Can I add an Access Control Device into TCMS V3?
A15: For your information, TCMS V3 is a time attendance software and it is designed for time attendance devices. It does not support door access features and can only be used for time attendance solution. Hence it is recommended for you to activate your door access device in Ingress software, which is bundled with your Access Control devices, so that you can fully utilize the door access features. 


  1. I cannot upload employee photos into the terminals. Program error messages like 'acmddata.prg' does not exist; variable 'CPIX' is not found; 'object TOOLBAR' is not found; 'nesting error'....pls help

    1. Hi Bernard,

      Good day to you. Referring to your issue, kindly inform us, whether you are using TCMS v2 or TCMS v3. To ease our communication, please send an e-mail to support@fingertec.com, with a brief explanation, and the error screenshots so that we may understand your issue better, and advise you with the correct solution.

      Thank you.

  2. Hi,

    Do you have auto Integration option in TCMS V3. Ex: Biometric data from TCMS has to to integrated to our Payroll System ( like Oracle Database)

    Sai Krishna

    1. Hi Sai Krishna,

      By default, TCSMv3 Software can't pull any data directly from the software to the Oracle database or any third party software. You can only export the attendance in Attendance and import into your third party software. However, you may use our FTDP software to integrate with your third party Oracle database

      You can use the FTDP software to integrate with MSSQL & Oracle database.

      FTDP with Third Party System - http://www.fingertec.com/newsletter/July2013/as-01.html
      FTDP with MSSQL database - http://www.fingertectips.com/2014/03/linking-up-ftdp-access-database-and.html
      FTDP with Oracle database - http://www.fingertectips.com/2013/10/using-ftdp-with-oracle-database.html

      FTDP setup file - http://cache.fingertec.com/download/FingerTecDataProcessorSetup.zip
      FTDP manual - http://www.fingertec.com/customer/download/postsales/SUM-FTDP.pdf

  3. Hi Husna,

    DO you have any option to auto Porting of biometirc data from FTDP to Oracle DataBase.

    Sai krishna

    1. Hi Sai Krisna,

      For your info, FTDP software will works as a bridge directly between the device itself and your third party software [Oracle database]. You may refer below for the simple FTDP table description:

      LID - table unique ID
      UserID - user id in clock
      TemID - terminal id in table terminal
      DateTime - date & time of the log
      InOut - check-in (0) or check-out (1) value of the log
      Workcode - work code of the log
      VerMode - verification mode (0-fp, 1-password)
      USERS ID - table unique ID
      UserID - user id in clock
      UserName - user name in clock
      Password - password in clock
      Privilege - privilege value in clock (refer to privilege table)
      CardNo - user's card number in clock
      Name - user full name
      VerType - user verification type in clock
      Valid - Is user valid (enable/disable) in clock
      RegDate - the date of user downlaoded from clock
      TplCount - user template count in clock
      TZGID - user time zone group ID (refer to table TZG)
      Slct - is selected (for check/uncheck user on the screen)
      FaceCount - user face template count (0/1)
      TEMPLATE ID - table unique ID
      UserID - user id in clock
      Index - template index number
      Tpl - template data
      EnDate - enrollment date (reserve value)
      TplType - template type, fingerprint algo 9 or 10


  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Hi Husna,

    We have did FTDP connected to our 3rd Party Payroll system.

    Now how to link FTDP to TCMS V3.

    FTDP dont have the auto generation of the data. so how can we integrate auto generated data from TCMS V3 to 3rd party software.

    Sai Krishna

    1. Hi Sai Krishna,

      Kindly be informed that the FTDP cannot be link with our new TCMSv3 software. In this case, you can connect the terminal with both FTDP and TCMSv3 software where you can directly download the transaction log from the terminal itself. However please take note, make sure you do not remove or delete the transaction log inside the terminal before you finish transferring all the data to both software.

      Regarding the integration between TCMSv3 and 3rd party software, you only can export the Attendance record from TCMSv3 to excel or text format before you can import all the data to the 3rd party software. For details info, you can refer to TCMSv3 manual page 66.



  6. Hi Sharul,

    Do you have any local technical team present in UAE to get more technical information. we are planing to make end to end Auto Schedule for Auto downloading, AUto Generating, AUto Porting to 3rd party system.

    Sai krishna

    1. Hi Sai Krishna,

      You may contact our authorised reseller in UAE for any technical support. You may refer the details below for your perusal:

      United Arab Emirates | Seven Seas Computers
      72B Umm Hureir Road, Off Za abeel Road, Post Office Box 8469 - Dubai United Arab Emirates

      Tel: +971 4 3083618 / +971 4 3083671
      Fax: +971 4 3366727
      Email: mdamania@magnumconnect.com

      United Arab Emirates | IPtec General Trading LLC
      IPtec General Trading LLC
      Shop 28, Gargash Center,
      P.O.Box 15448,
      Dubai, UAE

      Tel: +971 4223 4446

      For further details, you may refer at http://www.fingertec.com/worldmap/worldmap.html [refer for UAE]

  7. Hi...
    I have problme..
    I'm using TCMS v2..
    I cannot access my device’s menu.. its enter me directly to monitor devices menu without showing me the ordinary option list...
    All that happened after my employer changed the program password..
    Plz help me how to fix it

    1. Hi Dr Ammar

      Good day to you

      Regarding your issue, currently you accessed the TCMSv2 software using the user account. Pleas provide us the 5 digit number at the small windows password so that I can help you to access the system as admin account. Appreciate your feedback.

  8. i install TCMS v3 on Windows 7 32bit on vmware workstation to test it

    its work fine at first time .

    but later , i received massaged said" Sql connection error .Cannot connect to databas server please check TCMSV3 Server connection

    i check the log file in the installation directory and found many log file with same error
    "ERROR [HY000] [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Cannot open database '(unknown)'. It may not be a database that your application recognizes, or the file may be corrupt.
    ERROR [IM006] [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Driver's SQLSetConnectAttr failed
    ERROR [HY000] [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Cannot open database '(unknown)'. It may not be a database that your application recognizes, or the file may be corrupt.
    select * from system_user_roles_group;

    i tried uninstall and reinstall but the same issue ?

    1. Delete the database file in your fingertec V3 installation folder and try to run again.

  9. Im using ta500.is there any setting let say,on 1625Hours the device auto to check out instead of manually pushing the down key?

    1. Hi Satan,

      Good day to you.

      With regards to your query, you can set that option from TA500 device.
      Go to the device menu(press and hold M button) > System > Auto Switch. After that you can set it there. Make sure to change it state to "ON" to make the function take effect.

  10. مرحبا
    لذي استفسار في على البرنامج الجديد TCMS V3
    في عملية ادخال اجازة الموظف طويلة الاجل على سبيل المثال
    من 2017/01/07 الى 2017/02/10 لم اجد ايقونة تمديد الاجازة او ادخال الاجازة التي كانت في الطراز السابق TCMS V2

    1. Hi Mr Abdul,

      Good day to you,

      In regards to your inquiry, firstly you need to create the leave type , then you may proceed to assign the leave taken for each user in the User Duty Planner.

      To create the leave type:

      Go Schedule & Attendance Tab > Leave Type > Click Edit > Add [ex: Annual Leave ] > Ok

      To assign leave:

      - Go to Schedule & Attendance Tab > User Duty Planner > select the user > Click Edit > Right Click on the date [ex: 1/1/2017] > select Leave Type > choose the Leave Type and the date range > Click Ok [refer http://prntscr.com/e4rgyl ]

  11. Hi... its me again...im having trouble with shift worker
    1.shift 1=0700 to 1400
    2.shift 2=1400 to 2100
    3.shift 3=2100 to 0700 (next day)

    The catch is,the person in shift 1 will be working on shift 3 too.

    How am i going to set this so that shift3 thumbprint didnt override the shift1?

    1. Hi Sir,

      Good day to you.

      Referring to your problem, you can use Multiple Shift configuration from this link:


      Please be informed that the above sample configuration is done on TCMS v2 software. The configuration will be similar in other software including TCMS v3, although with slight difference in the interface. If you have any further query regarding this, please revert back to us with the software you are referring to for us to provide assistance accordingly.

  12. Its me again.... thank you for the last answer. Im getting there still 1 more unsolved problem. As my previous question, the 3rd shift is from 2100 until 0700 tommorow morning. Even though they thumb out on 0700 the next day, i cant seems to show it in the attendance sheet and electronic time card. Is there something need to be set?

    1. Hi Sir,

      Good day to you,

      Regarding your issue, please go to the clocking schedule for the night shift, kindly configure the clocking range in the Out column [refer http://prntscr.com/edi3as]. Once done, go to Attendance Sheet, please generate the attendance for all user from 1/1/2017 until 28/2/2017.

  13. Thankk you... but i dont see the check in time there. Is it I need a seperate clocking schedule or just set the check in time there?

    1. Hi Sir,

      Good day to you.

      Regarding on your problem. Kindly provide more details and some screenshot and send to support@fingertec.com

      Please kindly provide us the name of your reseller or the serial number of the terminal in order for us to get your local reseller to assist you at the soonest.

  14. Hi Mohamad,

    Is MY SQL database is released for TCMSV3. in website it is mentioned as coming soon.

    Sai krishna

    1. Hi Ayetha,

      Good day to you.

      For your kind information, we have included the plan into our pipeline to develop another version of TCMSv3 software that runs on MySQL database and support multi-users environment like Ingress software in year 2017, but there is yet a confirmed date of release.

      Best regards,
      Tengku Sulaiman

  15. Hi I have a slight problem. I was testing the ac100c for first use at a clients office and I see that the clock out records don't show in tcmsv3>attendance sheet while the records are downloaded from the device.
    any suggestions what it may be?
    The clock in record is visible in the attendance sheet.

    1. Hi Sir,

      Good day.

      Firstly, you need to make sure that you already activate your device. You can go to device, click on your device list, then click activate.

      After that, any clocking data that you download from device, will be stored in data audit list. ( attendance > data audit list)
      Check whether your data was there or not.

      After that, the data will be shown on the attendance sheet based on your clocking schedule.

      If the data available on your data audit list, but not appear on attendance sheet, there is something problem with your clocking schedule setting.

      Thanks and best regards,
      Tengku Sulaiman

  16. Hi, i had problem to open FingerTec TCMS V3 apps. Once downloaded, tried open icon on the desktop and window appeared stated "The feature you are trying to use is on a network resource that is unavailable. Click OK to try again, or enter alternate path to a folder containing the installation package FingerTec TCMS V3.msi in the box below. I try to cancel and the software opened.Once i filled up all the required blanks it failed to update appeared. kindly please help.thanks

    1. Hi aLfie,

      Good day,

      Regarding to your query, kindly reinstall the TCMSV3 software using the latest version as link provided below:


      Please make sure the Anti Virus is turn off to avoid any interruption on software installation.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. hi good day to you too,

      Thank you for your help. Will try out as per your advise once available.

  18. hi, i just installed tcms v3 into my laptop win 10, however when first open tcmsv3, the software show "back dates is not allowed" and the software forced to close, can i know what is the reason and how to solve it? thanks.

    1. Hello Sir,

      Good day to you.

      Regarding on your issue, previously it happen due to PC time changed (for example PC time format change), causing the database time changed.

      To solve your issue, please install Teamviewer in your PC and send the Teamviewer ID and password to support@fingertec.com.

      Appreciate your feedback.

  19. My location is Thailand as the standard utc+07:00, and i didn't changed the time format since installed, any recommend solution? I'm afraid to let my laptop remote controlled is not appropriate. Thank you.

    1. Hello Sir,

      Good day to you.

      Regarding your inquiry, kindly send an email to support@fingertec.com with further details such as device serial number and please explain briefly on issue you are facing so that we can assist you accordingly.

  20. السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاتة

    لا استطيع طباعة التقرير من البرنامج يتم الطباعة فقط بعد تصدير التقرير والطباعة من خلال pdf

  21. hi,

    I just installed TCMS V3 on a PC. When I go to the System Settings tab, only Database Configuration will display.
    Other button seems not functioning (System Parameter Settings, Field Customization Management, Company Info, Email, User Roles & User Account)

    Thank you

    1. Hi Sir,

      Good day to you.

      With regards to your query, after you install the software on your PC, you need to activate your device first before you can start to use the software completely.

      You can refer this user manual to activate your device: http://www.fingertec.com/customer/download/postsales/SUM-TCMSV3-E.pdf

      Best regards,
      Tengku Sulaiman

  22. hi ,just want to know, tcmsv2 support port forwarding 4370 from branch terminal to open at HQ tcmsv2.

    1. Hi Mr.Udin,

      Yes, TCMSv2 supported to connect the device via port forwarding connection.

      You will need to do the settings on the router with the help of your IT expertise. Once you can ping the readers from the main branch, you will be able to add the device to TCMSv2 and download the data from all branches.

  23. Hi, want to know did TCMSv3 able to automatic run [Export Audit Data] types 2?

    I need to export the data as below format for upload to my another system use.


    1. Dear Oh Choon How,

      Referring to your query and to Export Data Audit List automatically after downloading, you can go to Scheduling & Attendance > Data Audit List > select Export Data Audit > select Type 2 and configure your format data > select the Output Target and tick on Append data to existing output file > press Ok.
      For details you can refer the picture from this link http://prntscr.com/eyj8ot


  24. Yes, I know this features, But may I know how to make it automatically export this data audit list ?

    1. Hello Sir,

      To download the transaction log automatically, you can set under System Settings > System Parameter Settings > Attendance tab. Here you choose either want to set automatic download interval function, where you can configure the software to download the transaction automatically, or you can determine the preferred time and the time interval for the downloads. For details configuration, you can refer to the following tips:


      Please take note, make sure you tick on 'Append data to existing output file' at the Export Data Audit option. Regards.

  25. Hi,
    As per your mention as above, as long as tick on 'Append data to existing output file' at the Export Data Audit option, is it system will automatically export the data audit list after automatically download the transaction log?

    Can output file name automatically save to different name follow by date, format like YYYYMMDD.txt ?
    Eg. download on 03/05/2017 system will automatically save the data audit list to file name 20170503.txt

    1. Hi Sir,

      Good day to you.

      Currently the system doesn't has option to generate the new files follow by date. So if you want to the system auto append to the existing output files, you need to specify the location to save and the file name manually.

  26. Hello Sir,
    We connect TA500 R machine using real IP address over internet and we are using Ingress Client and server, when we trying to download the finger prints, it takes very long time and MySql DB crashes(Ingress Server can not initialize DB any more) although other FingerTec devices in our local network are working fine.

    1. Hi Sir,

      Good day to you

      Is it a new installation for TA500 in the Ingress? For your information, TA500 can only support 1-to-1 connection. If it is connected to 1 software, another software cannot connect to the device. Since Ingress uses Client-Server connection, the server will continuously send a ping signal to know the status of the device, whether it is connected or not. Other operations will have problems when you want to transfer data from/to Ingress. Hence, if you're using Ingress, you will have problems when you want to transfer data from/to Ingress. Thus, we suggest you to use TA500 with the time attendance software [TCMSv3].

  27. I have installed TCMS V3 with Admin account and imported data from TCMS v2 successfully. Software works fine with Admin ID except that it gives a msg when TCMSv3 opens that "You must restart your system for the configuration changes made to FingerTec TCMSv3" this msg comes every time. When a general user logins in to workstation to use this software, he also gets the same error and another error that "Database Server connection error ......" and the window closes itself and program terminates. please advise how to address these issues. User do not have admin right on the workstations.

    1. Hi Sir,

      Good day to you.

      Regarding on your issue we are suggesting you to take some screenshot:

      1) Error message
      2) TCMSv3 Software (Click Ingress Icon > Select about us)

      Then send all the information to support@fingertec.com, and the system will automatically generate a new ticket number.

  28. Hi, Good day.
    I would like to ask a question for second installation.
    Why we can't get back the previous data ?
    For example, we reinstalled ingress on 16 May 2017.
    The data only download from 16 May 2017 and lost the previous data (Jan-April)..

    How can we get back all the transaction data from FaceID2?

    Thank you.

    1. Hi Sir,

      Good day to you.

      Firstly, May I know you are using Ingress with MySQL or MDB database?

      Then for the transaction data in the Face ID2, it will keep remain in the device, unless :

      - Manually delete transaction data in the device
      - Set to delete transaction data after successfully download in the Ingress software.

      Lastly, Kindly backup your Ingress database, then send all the information to support@fingertec.com

  29. Hi Sir,

    Thank you.
    MDB Database.
    But the computer had been reformatted. All data lost.

    I try to download the transaction data to/ from USB.
    However the date is start from 16 May 2017 (log.dat) until today only.

    Do you have any method to retrive back all transaction log in device (FaceID2)?

    Thank you so much.

    1. Hi Sir,

      Good day to you,

      In the software, the system will read the whole transaction data stored the device in the USB file. However, if you already deleted the previous transaction data manually or set automatic delete during your previous download process, so you will not be able to retrieve your previous data.

      As an example, refer this picture http://prntscr.com/fc78jd [ if the data still existed in the device, you should be able to view all the previous data ]

  30. Hello,
    I wish to migrate TCMS V3 with it's data files etc. to another computer.
    How can I achieve this?
    Thank you.

    1. Hello Sir,

      Referring to your query, you can backup your current TCMSv3 database at System Setting > Database Configuration > select Backup. Then you can restore back the database at the other computer after you install the TCMSv3 software by go to System Setting > Database Configuration > select Restore. Regards.

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. Dear sirs,
    Good day!
    This is Sherif
    I have an issue as following:
    In meddle of last month, i added 4 number of new employees as regular users on my ta200plus through tcmsv3 program, the employee's attendance is showing on attendance auditor and it cannot shown as a reports for them only.
    There schedule type is flexi and issue date is correct and i already generated there attendance after assigned the group schedule!
    Please advice me.

    1. Dear Mr Sherif Hussein,

      Good day,

      To solve your issue, please install Teamviewer in your PC and send the Teamviewer ID and password to support@fingertec.com. We will check the issue remotely.

      Appreciate your feedback.

  33. Dear Sirs ,
    i would like to know how can i do downgrad of TCMS V3 to TCMS V2 , i see that new TA500 is no working in TCMS V2 , but we just use v2, and we dont use TCMS v3.
    i need help to use device in TCMS V2.


    1. Hi Sir,

      For your kind information, for the new device, the time attendance device will bundle with TCMSv3 software. But if you want to activate it in TCMSv2 software, you need to purchase separate license. You can provide your device serial number first so that we can check your device details when you purchase this device.

      Tengku Sulaiman

  34. Dear Team,

    I have questions:

    1- in my offices I have remote locations (A,B and C) all location are in deferent network but they can ping each other (Vlans) like can ping, the question is: can we add all 3 devices to TCMSv3?

    2- Assume that I added staff member in Device A, will Device C have the information that just registered in Device A? can the staff member pass/login in C while he registered in A only? are staff remembers DB synced between connected devices?

    Thank you

    1. Dear Ahmed Khalid,

      Good day to you.

      With regards to your query, please refer below details to answer your inquiries :

      1-You may add 3 device with different location in TCMSv3 by setting your device ip address with port forwarding/VPN as TCMSv3 support connection using port forwarding/VPN.

      2-Please note that if staff 123 only registered in Device A, you need to download user's information into the software,then upload user information into Device B and Device C so that staff 123 able to login into Device B and Device C.

      Best regards,

  35. Dear Mohamad,

    regarding point #2
    this mean that for each user update/add, we need to download all users information from A to SW and then upload users information to B and C, will this generate duplications in B and C or not?

    1. Hi Ahmed,

      If your device have all the same user details inside it, you can just register all the new user from device A, then download it to the software. After that, just upload all the user info to the other device from the software. The user data will not duplicate if all the user using the different user ID. It will follow the latest data that upload from the software.

      Tengku Sulaiman

  36. HI sir,

    I have problem, i cant' add device use port forwarding,
    i already set ip address at port forwarding modem

    1. Hi Sir,

      Regarding on the port forwarding settings, firstly please double check the connection devices in the local connection, if the device able to connect to the PC, that means the device doesn't has any issue to connect with the network.

      For the port forwarding connection. You will need to do the settings on the router with the help of your IT expertise. Once you can ping the readers from the main branch, you will be able to add the device to Software and download the data from all branches.

  37. Hi, my apps is crashing. When I try to open it, it says, ‘An error has been detected. Please restart your TCMS V3 application or contact FIngerTec Technical Support (support@fingertech.com) for further assistance’. Please help me coz my payroll cutoff is in a few days.

    1. Hi Nur Hazlina,

      Good day.

      Please check your email as I already reply your email and you can follow the steps provided from the email.

      Best regards,
      Tengku Sulaiman

  38. Hi, I want to ask if i can create a custom report in TCMS V.3??

    1. Hi Sir,

      All the existing report is fixed and not support for customization.

      TCMSv3/Ingress Software also not has option for client to customize report in the software.

      Sorry for inconvenience caused.

  39. I need to connect three devices on same software tcms v3 and the employee fingered from any device....how?

    1. Dear Sir,

      In regards to your inquiry, please make sure all the 3 devices are connected to the TCMSV3 software. After that, you may enroll all the user inside the first device then download the user details into the TCMSv3 software. Then, you may upload the respective user from the software into the rest of the devices

    2. the ip of three devices are same or not ?

    3. Dear Sir,

      From the software and device, you can assign the different IP address so that you can differentiate between the device and you cannot add the device using the same IP address. So, the IP address should be different from each others.

      Best regards,
      Tengku Sulaiman

  40. Hi sir , i have a question for you .Original tcms v3 database support ms-access database . When i want to open this backup file that files is password protected. Kindly tell me the default password .How we open that file .kindly guide me . Thanks

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. I also have the same question, we backup the database but cannot open it to view, we don't know the password, we tried admin password but doesn't work

    1. Hello Micheal,

      Good day.

      For your kind information, we do not allow our user to direct access the database due to the privacy issue. If you want to get the details, you can export the attendance sheet, data audit list and the user from the software to the specific format that can be export via our software.

      Best regards,
      Tengku Sulaiman

  42. FingerTec31 August 2017 at 19:16
    Hello Sohaib Habib,

    Referring to your query, kindly share with us your email contact before we can send you the password for TCMSv3 database. Regards.

    I will try that, but what about that message?

  43. Hi. i want to ask if how can i integrate PDF Time Sheet template in TCMSV3? thank you.

  44. i want report for total person there are absent daily???

    1. Hi Mohamed Bahram. Sorry, TCMS V3 is unable to generate report for daily people absent.

  45. is there a direct contact number for support?

  46. This comment has been removed by the author.

  47. I want to connect the ac100 at a location where there is no LAN. Thinking of connecting it to the modem through a bridged network. Setup 2 wifi routers to bridge and then connect it to the modem. the first router will be connected to the ac100 with cable. Do you think it will effect the functionality of the device and tcmsv3?

    1. Hello Mr Daryl,

      With regards to your query, you can using Port forwarding connection or VPN with DNS to connect all your devices with our FingerTec software from the difference location. Please refer the example of Port Forwarding diagram at http://prntscr.com/h4t3pb. To configure the connection, you need refer to your IT guys to configure the router for port forwarding connection.

      By default all device port number is 4370, You also might need to change the Fingertec Device's Port depend on the network setting. You may download the port changer form below link.

      Best Regards

  48. Sir/Madam,

    Good morning.
    I would like to ask a question.
    TCMSV2 software can generate one year - employees shedule.
    However, Ingress software will automatically change to original shedule after downloading attendance from devices.
    How to set up fixed shedule for each employee in one year instead of generating their fixed shedule on every month?

    Thank you so much.

    Best Regards.

    1. Hello Sir/Madam,

      Good day to you.

      With regards to your query, please be informed that Ingress software also can generate schedule for the whole year like how TCMSv2 did. Go to Attendance tab > Group Duty Roster > Edit > Auto Schedule > Select Effective date from the 1st of January until 31st of December to mark it as a year > Save.

      Please revert back with further explanation should above recommendation did not suite your requirement as I can assist you better.

  49. Dear Support ,
    One of admin mistakenly erase the IP adders. Now we need to hardware reset. please instruct us on this.
    regards !

    1. Dear Sir,

      With regards to your query, can I know you are using what software and device model? Now you can access the device menu or not? If can, you just go to menu and clear all the device data. Once you already clear, all the data will be lost. Make sure you already backup all the data to the software, so that you can upload back all the data from software to the device.

      Best regards,
      Tengku Sulaiman

    2. Dear Tengku Sulaiman,
      Im using faceID 4 device. Admin mistakenly removed the IP address also. face is not recognizing of the admin. I cannot go through the software because IP is not there. Is there any universal password or hardware reset method ? Please advice . Thanks

    3. Dear Sir,

      Good day to you,

      With regards to your query, please be informed that you need to contact your reseller so that they can reset the admin password at the device. In case you do not know the reseller contacts for your device, please send an email to support@fingertec.com and provide your device details(serial number, model) so that we could locate your reseller.

      Thanks & Best Regards,

      Syed Mohd Firdaus bin Syed Mohd Fuzi

  50. good day support, i got a problem with my device ta500. in just upgraded my software to TCMSv3...then i edit some personal data on all users.....after i finish editing all the data i clicked the CLICK TO SYNC ALL DEVICE INFO that pops up evrytime i finish editing a user....then this happened...the fingerprint data that was in the device was all gone.....even my admin account...i cant get to the Menu.....

    pls help...thank you

    1. is it possible to recover the fingerprint data back to the device?

    2. Dear Sir,

      Good day to you,

      With regards to your query, please advise if there is user fingerprint data in the software TCMS V3. If yes, please upload user data by using TCMS V3. In TCMS V3 software, go to Users and then choose Upload User. Choose your device and also the suer data you want to upload. Please refer to the following screenshot: http://prntscr.com/he34oj.
      If your problem still cannot be solved, please send an email to support@fingertec.com and elaborate further your problem.

      Thanks & Best Regards,
      Syed Mohd Firdaus bin Syed Mohd Fuzi

    3. thank you for the reply sir,
      the software TCMSv3 has no user fingerprint data.....all the fp data are in the TA500 device.. are there reset button on the TA500 sir? so i could start again fp scanning on all employees? actually we are new user of fingertec products so we are on a DRY RUN stage....

    4. Dear Sir,

      Good day to you,

      Firstly, please inform us the serial number of the TA500 for further checking. May I know do you connect the device to the PC installed with the TCMSv3 software by using TCP/IP connection or USB Flashdisk Drive? At this moment, can you login to the menu button of the device or not?

    5. ive located the rest button sir but after i press it still nothing happens, it just restartded and our company logo is still on display and i still cant get in to the menu....

    6. good day sir,
      device connected via tcp\ip
      still negative on menu button

    7. Dear Sir,

      Good day to you,

      May I know did it appeared as admin affirm on the screen of the device? If yes, please remove the admin privilege, it can be done by going to Devices > Double-Click Device Name > Other > Clear Admin Privilege. Once done, please check whether do you able to access the device menu or not? If you already able to access the device menu, you may go the user management to re-enroll the user fingerprint template.

    8. thank you so much sir, now i can access the device menu. now i can start re-enrolling fp.
      can we back-up the FP data from the device for us to restore easily whenever this kind of problem occur again?

    9. Hello Sir,

      You may do backup for your user data (including fingerprint template) by downloading user's information using USB pendrive (Menu > Pendrive > Download User) or backup your database using TCMSv3 software (System setting > Database Configuration > Backup Database )

  51. good day,

    as of now we have already 6 machine running on tcms v2 and we have huge list of emloyees and departments. there is no way for as to shift to tcms v3 we have just purchase 2 new device thinking that it the product key would work in tcms v2 but is does not

    can you help us with this

    1. Dear Sir,

      Good day to you,

      Please be informed all the new time attendance devices are bundled with the TCMSV3 software. If you want to use with the TCMSv2, there will be fee imposed per terminal. For further discussion, you may send an email to our sales team at info@fingertec.com

  52. Hello Sir
    I have finger tec faceid4 working great on tcmd v2 software i have installed the tcms v3 the problem is that i can not activate product key offline it tell wrong product key if i try online i have error code (Activation of TCMS V# is not permitted fo Door Acces product. contat your sales account manger

  53. Hello Elie,

    Kindly check your email regarding to your above query. Regards

  54. Hi,

    I;m having trouble with my public holidays.

    I currently have them entered for 2018. How do I copy them over to 2019 and beyond ?
    When I go to 2019>Edit ..>Import .. I get no data .. and I can only choose from 2017, which doesn't have any public holidays entered yet.

    Can I copy from 2018 to 2019 ?


    1. Dear Mr. Mike,

      Good day to you,

      With regards to your query, please be informed that you cannot copy the holiday list from the current year and duplicate it on the next year or any year. You need to fill in manually the holiday list for each year.

      Thanks & Best Regards,

      Syed Mohd Firdaus bin Syed Mohd Fuzi

  55. Also when I installed into another machine .. can I transfer the holidays without retyping again ?

    TCMS V3 by the way

    1. Dear Mr. Mike,

      Good day to you,

      With regards to your query, you can backup the current database with saved holiday list in TCMS V3 and then later you can restore that database in TCMS V3 software on other machine. However, all the other data inside that database will also restored in that PC such as user data, device data, attendance data and schedule data. That is the only way to copy the holiday data from one PC to another.

      Thanks & Best Regards,

      Syed Mohd Firdaus bin Syed Mohd Fuzi

  56. Hi.

    How can I generate Electronic Time Card in TCMS v3?

    Other platforms in the Reports are working and we can generate except for Electronic Time Card which is the Report we need to print for the preparation of our company payroll.

    Hoping for urgent kind response.

    Thanks and regards

    1. Hi Mr Juancruz,

      Before you can generate the Electronic Time Card, kindly try to download the transaction log and Generate the Attendance Sheet under Attendance tab > select Download and Generate button. If you can view all the Attendance record under Attendance Sheet, you should can generate the Electronic Time Card under the Reporting tab. However, if the problem still persist please share with us the screenshot picture or error message if any, and brief us the details information by emailing to our support team at support@fingertec.com. Regards.

  57. i get error when i import data from TCMS V2 to V3 and can't complete this process.

    2018/02/19 13:40:25
    Application Version :

    2018/02/19 13:40:26
    SDK Version :

    2018/02/19 13:40:34
    Database : MDB


    1. Dear Khalid,

      With regards to your query, for the migration process, it is important for you to use the latest version of both software, to make sure that the process can be done without any problem.

      First of all, update the patch file from the software by following this steps:

      1) Download the latest ft.exe file from this new link:


      2) Rename the downloaded file to "ft.exe" (remove all the numbers in the file name, and leave it as ft.exe or ft)

      3) Copy the above file, and paste it in TCMS v2 folder (Local Disk C > Program Files (x86) > Fingertec Worldwide > TCMSv2) to replace the existing ft.exe file or you may also rename the existing ft.exe to another name [for example: ftold.exe] before you want to paste the new downloaded ft.exe file

      4) Relaunch TCMSv2 software - Run as administrator [go to System Settings > What's new in the release > Make sure the version is updated: v2.2.027 22-03-2017

      Then, backup the file from the latest TCMSv2 software.

      After you get this file, you can use this file to migrate the data from Ingress using TCMSv2 backup.

      You can get the latest TCMSv3 installer from here:

      Best regards,
      Tengku Sulaiman

  58. Hi, I would like to know if we could customize the tcms v3 report column. meaning to say i can choose whichever column to be displayed?
    and can we allow our staffs to define workcodes for checkin/out/break/resume occasionally, for any type of schedule whether it'd be daily/weekly/flexi schedule.

  59. and by defining workcode, i meant to say like our staff can enter the workcode before they get their thumbprint verified. is there such privilege for our staff?

    1. Dear Sir,

      Regarding your query, the report template already fixed. If you want to get only specific data from the software, you can export the attendance sheet by configure the template so that you only get the data that you already configure from the template. For the work code, if you are using daily or weekly, the work code only can be shown for the first transaction, the rest cannot be preview unless you are using flexi with job cost enable.

      Best regards,
      Tengku Sulaiman

  60. i have problem activating my product..
    i installed TCMS V3 as instructions says ...
    but i still receive the Error : invalid Serial Number (Using online Activation) ...

    1. Dear Mr Mohammad,

      Good day to you,

      Please provide us your 7 digit device serial number for further checking. The serial number can be found in the device's menu (Menu > Sys Info > Device > Serial Number, or you can check it at the back-side of the device (7-digit serial number). Appreciate your feedback.

  61. Good day.

    Is there a possibility that the terminal device could alter the stored data?
    ex. the time of log in/log out of users

    1. Dear Mr. Loven.

      Good day.

      For your kind information, all the data only can be edit inside the software. You cannot edit the data inside the device. So all the data inside the device will keep safe without edited by anyone.

      Best regards,
      Tengku Sulaiman

  62. hi there,
    I have just migrated to TCMSV3 however, the system feels so laggy and its taking up alot of time to run. the edit leaves and saving takes more than a min per entry.

    Is there any way to make it faster?

    1. Hello Brandon,

      Good day to you.

      Regarding your issue, usually software took long time to process because there is a lot of transaction migrated from TCMSv2 software.

      Hence, it is advised to do housekeeping before proceed to software migration so that you can only keep latest data to be migrated to TCMSv3.

      You may refer below link on how to do housekeeping in TCMSv2 software :


      Thanks and Best regards.

  63. Hi, morning.

    May I know the function of reset button in machine ? (restore to original factory setting including?)
    All the information of users and ip address will remain as previous setting?

    Reason: One machine is hang and unable to restart machine. Therefore, I try to reset the machine. What is the next step that I should do or no need to do anything?

    (P/S: Users still can punch in and out by card after press the reset button).

    1. Dear Sir,

      Good day to you,

      May I know which device that you're using? Are you referring to the reset button at the device or reset function in the device menu? If you're referring to the reset button , it is used to restart the terminal only. The options and configuration still remained in the device including IP address and user information details.

  64. Dear Sir,

    Good day to you too.

    The device is FACEID2. I'm referring to the reset button in device (with USB port).
    May I know what are the reasons to cause machine hang and unable to restart?
    (Ps: Transaction Logs = 5000++ only)

    Thank you so much.
    Best Regards.

    1. Dear Sir,

      If you are referring to this reset button, it just to restart the device without clear all of your data inside the device.

      You can refer here: http://prntscr.com/iu4wkx

      For the device hang issue, you can try to disconnect the device from the network, and monitor it for a few days to check whether the device still having the same issue or not. This is to confirm that the problem from the device or network.

      Best regards,
      Tengku Sulaiman

  65. Hi, good day.

    May I know why the device (FACEID2) -failed to connect device ?
    The connection is still showing green color.
    But we unable to auto/manual download the transcation log.
    & I try to use the reboot device(Ingress) also can not make the device restart.
    (Ps: Can ping device -ip address in server pc)

    May I know the different between FACEID2 and FACEID4 ?

    Because I realized that the FACEID2 keep having many problems in devices
    such as device time run faster than server, the device keep hang and unable connect the Ingress now.

    Thank you so much.
    Best Regards

    1. Dear Sir,

      For the connection issue, you can try to connect your device using device info tool. Sometimes, you can ping but the connection not stable, which will cause to fail to download the data from the device. You can refer here for the device info:


      For the differences between Face ID 2 and 4, please refer here:


      You can try to reset your device and monitor whether all the issue still happen to your device or not. For the troubleshooting process, you can refer to your local reseller so that they can assist you better.

      Best regards,
      Tengku Sulaiman

  66. Hi,

    Is posibble my multibranch use device ta500 and link with my hq tcmsv3 software ? And where to set for dyn address at this device?

    1. Dear sir,

      Good day to you.

      Yes it is possible to connect multibranch device and link to your hq tcmsv3 software. You can set the dyndns address at the Ip Address/URL section. Please refer screenshot: http://prntscr.com/ivn61l

      Best regards

    2. Hi,

      So just set at tcmsv3 software? How about device?

  67. Scenario:
    Reminal ac100c connected by lan cble to a ap router, router connects via wifi to the modem. Will connection work on a pc that connects wireless to the ap router to manage the device with tcms v3??

    1. Dear Mr Daryl Keizerweerd,

      Good day to you,

      In regards to your inquiry, kindly configure the IP address, Subnet Mask and Default gateway in the device in order to establish connection with the PC installed with the software. Then, please make sure you can ping the device IP address from that respective PC.

      You may test the device connectivity by using the device info tool below: http://www.fingertectips.com/2014/01/how-to-use-fingertec-device-info-tool.html

      Troubleshooting guideline for TCP/IP connection issue:

  68. Hi,
    I have security guards who will clock in at 7pm and go home next day at 7am. He will be back at 7pm again. How will this be shown in the attendance sheet. Will it show (for next day) out at 7am and in at 7pm, thks

    1. Hello Sir,

      Referring to your query, you can use Flexi Schedule where it have an option to calculate the Check In and Check Out time as the same work day. For details configuration, you can refer to the following tips and view the case study number 4 (Maximum work hours to be considered as the same work day).


  69. Hi,

    How can I put the database on the server and use another computer to access to the same database, version TCMS V3 and Face ID4

    1. Hello Dalilo Calu,

      Good day to you.

      TCMSv3 only support to install in a single PC, and database (MDB) cannot share into others PC.

      So from your requirement, we are suggesting you to use Ingress with MYSQL database, because it's support for Server and Client connection.

      That means, in your server, you can install Ingress Server and another 5pcs PC, you can install Ingress Client.

      You can download Ingress server and client from this link : http://www.fingertec.com/software/index.html

      And for more information to connect Ingress server and client, can refer to this link : http://www.fingertectips.com/2013/12/step-to-setup-ingress-server-and.html

      Any further inquiry, kindly email to support@fingertec.com

  70. Dear Sir,

    Hi, morning.
    I want to delete some unwanted schedules from ingress.
    but the message is stated that the schedule in use, please change schedule in attendance sheet before remove it.

    I already changed all the schedule to another schedule. But still showing this message and unable to remove schedule.

    What should I do now?

    Thank you so much.

    Best Regards

    1. Hello Sir,

      Good day to you.

      With regards to your query, first you need to move all users in Group Duty Roster that use unwanted clocking schedule to another roster. After the group duty roster is not been assigned to any user, then you may proceed to delete the group duty roster, and after that you can delete unwanted clocking schedule.

      Please revert back to support@fingertec.com should you need further assistance on above matter as our team can assist you better.

  71. Hello Sir,

    Good day to you.

    All the group duty had been assigned to another schedule. But the still can not remove the unwanted schedule. What else should I do ?

    Thank you so much.

    1. Hello Sir,

      Please be informed that if you are referring to schedule 1 as unwanted schedule, then I am sorry to inform that you cannot delete that schedule because schedule 1 and Roster 1 are the default schedule.

      Kindly drop us an email if you still having the same issue to support@fingertec.com for further assistance.

  72. Sir, good morning.

    May I know how to turn off the FACEID2 FM to switch to the Clocking Type- Press (IN, OUT, BREAK, RESUME, OT) for normal user. We follow the ingress schedule instead of the clocking type that end user define in machine.

    Therefore, we want to lock or hide the clocking type selection from machine.
    So normal user can only punch in and out only.

    Thank you so much.

    Have a great day.

    1. Hello Sir

      Referring to your query and to turn off the Face ID2 clocking status, you can press Menu > Personalize > select Clocking Status Option > select Clocking Status Mode > Turn Off. By choose this option all the Attendance Record will be generated base on Clocking Schedule and Group Duty Roster setting on the software. Regards.

  73. Good day Sir.
    I have some questions:

    1. Is there a way to configure clocking schedule to remove limit of clock in and out pairings? Our management wants to track how frequent employees step out from their designated posts.
    2. Is there a report template that shows the ins and outs as detailed in my question 1?

    Thank you and kudos to your team

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Dear Sir,

      Good day to you,

      Please note that the case has been attended via Livechat.

    3. Madam Husna,

      Thank you so much for extending your support on this matter.

  74. Dear Sir,

    Hi, Morning.
    May I know why the TCMSV3- Audit List (Clocking Time and Date is different)?
    For example: Clocking time: 19/05/2018 14:23
    Date: 22/05/2018

    What should I do to solve it?

    Data wont flow into the attendance sheet.


    Best Regards
    Have a great day.

    1. Dear Sir,

      Referring to the problem, please make sure the configuration and setting on Clocking Schedule and Group Duty Roster for the mention user are correct. If both Clocking Schedule and Group Duty Roster was correct, try to re generate the Attendance Sheet and check the result.

      However, if the problem still persist, kindly provide us with the backup database, some user IDs, date range and transactions that did not appear correctly and send to our email at support@fingertec.com so we can do further checking. Regards.

  75. Dear Sir,

    I have three kinds of devices in TCMSV2 now.
    1) TA100C
    2) TA100
    3) R2

    May I know that all devices are supported by Ingress?
    I want to migrate it to Ingress now.

    Best Regards

  76. HI SIR ,
    We have recently purchase TA100CR machine , I have already more than 2 machine using with TCMS V2 but recent machine bundle with TCMS V3 i need install this machine in TCMS v2 so please guide how to done

    1. Hello HRD NSPL,

      A new Time attendance device machine bundled with TCMSv3 Software and a new access control device bundled with Ingress Software.

      If you want to activate in the TCMSv2 Software, you need to purchase the TCMSv2 license from your reseller.

  77. Hello,
    We using TCMS V3. Our Issue here is every time generate the report, report only will shows till 2nd day last of the month. For example July month got 31 days but the data only captured/generate till 30th. how i can solve this issue? Thanks

    1. Hello Ms Norin,

      Good day to you.

      Regarding to your query, first of all, go to Attendance sheet under Scheduling & Attendance, and generate Attendance sheet by choosing user id and date range accordingly.

      Then, after ensure all data has been generated into Attendance sheet, you may proceed to generate Report as per required.

      However, if you are still facing missing data issue, please do not hesitate to send us an email to support@fingertec.com so that our technical team can assist you further.

    i can instill TCMSV3 for windows server 2012
    thank you

    1. Hello Sir,

      Good day to you.

      Regarding to your query, yes you may install TCMSv3 software in Windows Server 2012.

      However, if you have any issue, you may send us an email to support@fingertec.com for assistance.

  79. Hi, Sir.
    may I know how to set up 24 hours working schedule in Ingress?
    For example: 0700-1500,1500-2300, 2300-0700
    they may have 2 shift in one day.

    Thank you so much.

    Best Regards

    1. Hi Sir,

      From the working schedule, what is the shift configuration? Whether rotational shift or Flexible Shift?

      Kindly email all the details to support@fingertec.com , so we can help you further.

      Appreciate your feedback.

  80. Hi, Sir

    It is a flexible shift.

    Thank you so much.

    Best Regards

    1. Hi Sir,

      For Flexible working shift configuration, you can create 3 daily schedules and 1 Group roster.

      In the group roster, you need to put the schedule number in the open schedule, refer screenshot: http://prntscr.com/kf462p

      For further inquiry and explanation about the Flexible shift, kindly email to support@fingertec.com

  81. Hi, Sir
    May I know that is that any rules between IN :0702, OUT: 1500 / OT: 2300, Done: 0705 (Next day morning)
    because I can not display -Done: 0705 in Ingress attendance

    And Overtime wont come out if manually edit -> Done: 0705

    May I know how to allow it to appear in same day?

    Thank you so much.

    Best Regards

    1. Hi Sir,

      Since this is related to the schedule configuration. Kindly backup your database, take some screenshot and give some User ID and date range , so we can help to check your schedule setting

      Then send all the information to support@fingertec.com

      Appreciate your feedback.

  82. Hi... its me again. I connected my TA500 using lan cable. Device added & initialized successfully. I can download user data, device info without any problems. Attendance logs cannot be downloaded. When i click download in SCHEDULING & ATTENDANCE, progress bar reached 100% but will pop up "TOTAL 0 NEW TRANSACTION LOGS(S) DOWNLOADED FROM PROCESSED LOG(S) OF 0". Please advised me what to check/do next.

  83. Hello Sir,

    Referring to the problem, kindly check the transaction log inside the Attendance tab > Data Audit List, whether it already captured or not. If it already captured inside the software, system basically will trigger the above message. However if you cannot find the latest transaction log inside the Data Audit List, kindly try to restart the Ingress/TCMSv3 service and Attendance Service from Control Panel > Administrator tools > Services, then check the status. Regards.

  84. No... no transaction has been captured and i already restarted TCMSv3 service in control panel. What else can i do?

    1. Hello Sir,

      For "TOTAL 0 NEW TRANSACTION LOGS(S) DOWNLOADED FROM PROCESSED LOG(S) OF 0" message, Kindly repair your MDB database follow steps given in this article : http://www.fingertectips.com/2016/10/resolve-failed-to-initialize-database.html

  85. Done repairing and its still showing "TOTAL 0 NEW TRANSACTION LOGS(S) DOWNLOADED FROM PROCESSED LOG(S) OF 0" with a red exclaimation mark at 100%

    1. Hello Sir,

      What is your current TCMSv3 version? Click the TCMSv3 Icon (top left corner) > then click About US

      Previously, do you has change any user ID using TCMSv3 Software?

      Please backup your database, and send to support@fingertec.com for checking purpose.

  86. TCMS v3 version is . Previously, we are using usb to download user attendance record. Just now, we are using network cable. I installed a new TCMS v3 in a new PC, connected the device successfully, download user data and assigning them to clocking schedule and duty roster. Clicking download button resulting the same popup. Im sending now the database.

    1. Hello Sir,

      Kindly be informed that we had received your database and in the middle of checking. We will get back to you via email for further assistance.

  87. Hi.

    We are using TCMS sofware since 6 years. We recently reinstalled the software due to some change in the hardware but are unable to activate the product, though we do have keys with us. Could you please help us in this regard. Thanks

    1. Hi,

      Please send us the details of the software including which software are you using and what is the version you have recently installed.
      Also send us the details of the device that you wish to activate in the software including the serial numbers.

      Please send your query to support@fingertec.com so that we could assist you better.

  88. Hello. Thanks for the reply. I have sent the details in mail.

  89. Hello, I have some error with the connection for my TCMS V3 and the Ofis Y scanner.
    Even I already activated the device there's a message pop up on my screen when I try to test the scanner and it says (PLEASE ACTIVATE YOUR OFIS TA).
    Anyone can help me solve this one?
    Thank you.

  90. Hi... its me again. Im glad to tell everyone every hiccups I encounter using TCMS v3 & TA500 is already solved. Thank you for fingertec support team. Just 1 more thing, is there some sort of warning or reminder either in the software or device informing that the record capacity is nearly full?

    1. Hello Sir/Madam,

      Good day to you.

      With regards to your query, kindly be informed that there is no warning/alert to notify user when memory is nearly full in the software.

  91. Hi, im using TCMS v3 ver . Is there any report showing if a user have password assigned to its ID? IIRC, older version does show password column in USERS tab.

  92. hi, i just have a simple question, i just want to know can i thumb in machine in CHECK IN and it will show in report is in CHECK IN columb and thumb CHECK OUT in machine will show out in report is in CHECK OUT Whether the time i thumb is before or after the time of check in or check out, thks

  93. HI I have some issues to export report to Sage UBS Payroll software. May I know is employee ID in TCMS v3 software is same with employee code in Sage UBS payroll software. I tried few times still failed to export

    1. Hello

      Referring to your query and for your info, you can choose either Employee ID or User ID when you want to export the report to Sage UBS Payroll. The ID that you have selected and create from the TCMSv3 software must be same like ID that you have key in and use in the UBS Payroll system. If not, you could not upload or export the record to the payroll system (refer picture http://prntscr.com/m8fixu).


  94. How can I enable my devices in FingerTec V3? I have 5 devices.

  95. Recently I have installed Fingertec V3 software in my PC and migrated data from Fingertech V2. But I can't enable my 5 devices in Software. How can I solve this problem? The database is showing my all devices, but those are not enabled.

    1. Dear Mr Abdus,

      Good day to you,

      Please provide us all your 7 digit device serial number so that we can generate the TCMSv3 software license key. Appreciate your feedback.

  96. Sl # 8218654, 8219068, 8221913, 8222455, 8222460.

    1. Hello Sir,

      Kindly share with us your email address, so we can send the TCMSv3 Product Key directly to your email, since we cannot reveal the keys to others user here. Regards.

  97. Replies
    1. Hello Sir,

      We already send the Product Key through your email. Thanks.

  98. Hi all,

    Does it matter if the Amperage of the dc adapter is less than 800Ma?
    It seems that the device is looping in restart mode when I attach the ethernet cable, but when I pull it out the device works as normal.
    I have replaced the original dc adapter.

    1. Hello Sir,

      Kindly take note that the minimum Amperage of the DC adapter that can supported by our device is 1.5 Amp.


  99. Hi, good morning.

    May I know how to unable ingress auto generate their schedule after auto download?
    Because I will generate their weekly schedule according to my planning instead of following their group duty roster.

    Thank you so much.

    Best Regards

  100. Hi,
    Can you help me to generate my previous Attendance Data in my recent Setup Fingertec V3?

  101. Dear Fingertec,
    Can I run TCMSv3 without giving UAC permissions, TCMSv2 didn't use to ask me, and generally don't like to give users local admin rights.
    Best regards, Andreas

    1. Hello Andreas,

      The TCMS v3 must run with admin privilege in order to make sure that the software able to operated successfully. There is some software services need to be ensure run efficiently in the background. That is the reason you need to run the software with admin privilege.

  102. i switched from TCMS V2 , Only i have issue is that in TCMS V2 setting options i selected anti-passback as "NO and Save " So in Time attendance Report it was showing First login as "IN" & Last login as "OUT" , But in TCMS V3 it records only First two logins , First as "IN" & Second as "Out "
    Kindly advise how can i solve this issue in TCMs V3.

    1. Dear Sajjad A. Dawood,

      All the clocking data shown in the attendance sheet is follow to the schedule setting.
      So,from your issue, kindly provide us the latest backup database, some user ID and date range for checking reference, and send to support@fingertec.com

      If the database size more than 5MB, please upload to sendspace/wetransfer and provide us the link to download

  103. Hi there,

    Since we will be implementing new working hours (Waktu Berkerja Flexi aka WBF) is there a guide on how to achieve this? AFAIK, there is two main concern,

    1- any staff punch in after their clocking schedule, must complete 9h working hours for that day. For example, staff A clocking schedule is 8:00am but thumb in on 8:13am. He must complete 9 working hours which mean staff A thumb out must be on 5:14pm.Lower than 5:14pm... the Thumb Out should be in RED.

    2- how to set work column in report/electronic time card RED if its below 9H?



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