TCMS V3 Latest Release (v2.0.2.8) - Comes With More Flexibility

Friday, November 25, 2016 TimeTec 2 Comments

TCMS V3 is FingerTec’s latest time attendance software officially released in August this year has gone through a lot of improvements for user convenience. The latest release version v2.0.2.8 comes with more flexibility for users to choose from. The download link to the latest version is available here.

1. Define Your Time Range in Flexi Clocking Schedule 

Previously Flexi Clocking in Scheduling wouldn’t accept time range definition because the flexi clocking time is supposed to be flexible, meaning that a staff can clocking at anytime he/she pleases. Upon the feedback we gathered from the market, some wants more control on the flexibility by applying a certain time range. For example, a staff is allowed to do flexi clocking between 9-5pm, and if the staff extends the clocking outside of the time range, the company will not accept the flexibility. Based on that requirement, clocking times can now be inserted in Flexi Clocking Schedule in the latest release of TCMS V3. However, it shouldn’t worry those who do not want to define times in Flexi Clocking Schedule; your way works too. 

2. “Capture the first and last records for attendance” only in Flexi Clocking Schedule.

Again, when dealing with Flexi Clocking, TCMS V3 will record every clocking activity of the staff involved. And the latest release provides an option for customer to ignore clocking activities between the first and the last attendance records. When you tick this option, the software will only show the first and the last clocking times. For example, if a staff clocks in at 9:59am and then he goes out 11:55pm, the 11:55pm will not become his out time. When he comes back at 1:30pm, this new time will be recorded as his latest out time, and the cycle continues. If you don’t want to deal with cluttered attendance data, and you only want the In and Out time, you should consider to enable this option.

3. Device User Report is Now Available

The number of users in FingerTec devices changes from time to time, depending on a company’s activities and its staff strength. When a staff is transferred from branch A to branch B, the sets of devices he or she can access to will be changed accordingly. Therefore, the latest release of TCMS V3 presents a Device User Report, a report that lists down users stored in the selected device. You can also sort the list by User ID or User Name. From this Device User Report, you can see clearly the users available in each device and if remedy is required, you can do it accordingly.

4. OFIS Fingerprint User Enrollment Made Easy 

Previously, enrollment through OFIS TA required you to click on each user profile and perform fingerprint enrollment for that user only. If you need to enroll another user, you need to find his/her user profile and repeat the process. The latest improvement on OFIS TA allows admin to register fingerprints by selecting User ID from the list, as shown below. Once the enrolment for one user is done, admin just needs to choose another User ID and carry on from this one page to get things done. Isn’t that convenient?

 5. Option to “Enable/Disable Username & Password Authentication” is Now Available 

This option allows users to decide whether or not to perform login authentication when launching TCMS v3. FingerTec will not be held responsible for any unfortunate occurrences due to your choice to disable login authentication.

Fixed Errors:

1. Fixed Rounding in Clocking Schedule unable to save
2. Fixed Leave Type will not show when using Open Schedule


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Report Scheduler Feature: Automate Reports for Convenience

Wednesday, November 16, 2016 TimeTec 1 Comments

  • This post was originally published in November 2016 and has been updated in November 2017.
  • Refer to the last part of the article- Content updated for new features: Data Audit List Scheduler & Export Attendance Scheduler
Good news for our TimeTec TA subscribers, now we have added the Report Scheduler feature the application. Report Scheduler is an automated interface that provides you the option to email the selected reports on periodic basis.

Automation and Process Optimization
With this feature, the report generation process has been made completely automated because you do not need to login to your TimeTec account to generate the required reports. Other than that, instead of having to generate various reports individually, you can simply setup the Scheduler to generate and email the reports to you or other recipient with one-click solution.

There are 3 main modules in the Report Scheduler feature:
Module 1: Report Scheduler Configuration
Module 2: Report Scheduler from Report Module
Module 3: Report Scheduler History

Module 1: Report Scheduler Configuration
To add the report scheduler, click Add, select users, configure the scheduler settings and set the recipients of the reports. And the system will send the reports automatically according to the schedules set.

1. Select User Report.
-For your information, at the moment this function is only available for 3 types of report only; Electronic Time Card, Tardiness Report and Attendance Summary.
-Kindly select your report type and description of your report, then select Next.

2. Scheduler Setting and Recipient
- Here you can select the time you want send the report automatically and how frequent the report should be sent i.e everyday or once a week.
- You also can select which report format you want to send. There are 4 types of  format file (PDF, XLS, XLSX and RTF).
- Then select user recipients in your user list or their email addresses.
- Select Submit to proceed with the Report Scheduler.

Module 2: Report Scheduler from Report Module

- Admin can also create a report scheduler from the Report section.
- Currently, the report scheduler is only available at Electronic Time Card, Tardiness Report and Attendance Summary report only.
- Click on Create Scheduler button and system will direct user to Report Scheduler module and show Add Report Scheduler pop up.

Module 3: Report Scheduler History

- View the list of reports that have been generated complete with their links of reference.
- If you wished to remove or delete the report scheduler history, select the Purge button and select the date range. Please note that this action is non reversible.

Update from November 2017:

Introduced Data Audit List Scheduler & Export Attendance Scheduler
In the months following the September 2016 launch of Report Scheduler feature in TimeTec, we have also released 2 new schedulers:
a) Data Audit List Scheduler – released Nov ‘16
b) Export Attendance Scheduler – released Mar ‘17

Data Audit List Scheduler
1. You can find this scheduler at Report > Scheduler. Click Add > Data Audit List Scheduler.

2. Data Audit List Scheduler option is also available at Device> Export Data Audit List.

3. The scheduler setup has been separated into 3 sections; Select Users, Export Configurations and Scheduler Settings. Settings option for the first and last section is similar to those in Report Scheduler already mentioned earlier.

4. Additionally, please note that for Export Configurations, after key in the desired export format, you need to click Verify and confirm the format is correctly configured.

5. Once you are done, press Submit. You can refer to Scheduler list for more details and also the next tab, History for the list of reports that have been generated by the system.   

Export Attendance Scheduler
We have added scheduler function in the Export Attendance module, for both detail and summary schema.
1. Go to Report > Scheduler. Click Add > Export Attendance Scheduler.

2. Export Attendance Scheduler option is also available at Attendance> Export Attendance> Create Scheduler.

3. There are 2 sections to setup; Select Users and Scheduler Settings. These are also similar to settings for the other 2 previously mentioned schedulers.

4. Notably, one key difference for this Scheduler is the selection of ‘Export Type’ where you have to select either ‘Detail Schema’ or ‘Summary Schema’.
Important Note:  Ensure that you have already set the position and length of each field in Detail Schema or Summary Schema before you configure this Scheduler. Go to Attendance > Export Attendance > Detail Schema/ Summary Schema to configure before you export Attendance.

Detail Schema/ Summary Schema


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Push Button: Alert Sound When Door Opens

Wednesday, November 16, 2016 TimeTec 0 Comments


In circumstances where users use wireless push button to unlock the doors to their premises or offices, it’s not very apparent which doors are already opened and which ones are still locked from that simple click. The only way to be certain is to try and open the door.  However, there is a way to make things easy with the use an alert once the door is unlocked.

By having an alert, users will automatically know which door has been opened and they can exit or access accordingly.

There are two types of wiring connections to activate this function

1. Secure Connection
2. Un-Secure Connection.

Secure Connection
For Secure Connection where, the door lock system connects to Adaptec X or Adaptec Plus, follow the wiring diagram below.

How It Works
When the door is locked, it will have a 12VDC output power supplied to the EM-lock at the AdapTec X. When the EM-lock is active, it will turn on the relay but it will not be giving any Output Signal because NO connection is not in used.

When the push button is pressed, the door will unlock because no 12VDC output voltage is supplied to the EM-lock at the Adaptec X. And this will turn off the relay and trigger the signal to turn on the alert sound.

Unsecure Connection
For Unsecure connection where the door lock system uses the connection on device, use the diagram below.

How It Works
When the door lock is active, it will trigger the NC 1 connection to supply power to the EM-lock. Once the Push button is pressed, it will trigger the NO 1 signal to Activate the Siren.


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Exporting Data to 3rd Party: Configuring Export Templates in TimeTec TA

Wednesday, November 16, 2016 TimeTec 0 Comments

TimeTec TA is a highly flexible cloud-based attendance management system, allowing users to export the attendance data into a template and format of their preference. The attendance export formats are divided into 2 general forms schema which are Detail and Summary.

DETAIL SCHEMA is to export day-by-day attendance records such as; In, Out, Break, Resume, OT, and Done clocking times of each user.

SUMMARY SCHEMA lets users summarize the clocking information of each user, within a user-defined date range, such as; Workday Present, Workday Hour, and Total Overtime.

The availability of the Export schemas, and the flexibility of their template customization, ease any kind of data integration to any third party payroll system. Users are able to set the position and the length of every field in export schemas to the one that best fits their systems. Additionally, export files can be selected to be in 3 formats,  XLS, CSV, and TXT, suitable for any integration.

A: Detail Schema Template Configuration

1. In your TimeTec TA account, go over the attendance module> Export Attendance> Click on Detail Schema.

2. The Detail Schema module displays the following information:
-Data Field Module: Refer to the below pic. Circled with red colour, are the available data field modules containing multiple data fields for the export information to be chosen from.
-Position: Enables users to select the order of the data fields (column-by-column)
-Description: name of each data field as a header.
-Size: The length and the maximum number of characters needs to be carried to the export file for each data field.

For example, the order of the data for the 3rd party system is this:
1 - TimeTec User ID (9 characters max)
2 - Employment ID (15 characters max)
3 - Name (30 characters max)
4 - Organization Structure (30 characters max)
5 - Group Duty Roster (5 characters max)
Therefore, in the table below you need to determine the position and the size of each data field appropriately.

3.Data Field Module:
 After the position and the size of the required data fields at every module is set, click “Save” to move on to the next data field module. In case you don’t want any of the data fields to be exported, leave the Position blank. Every data field has a default Size value that can be changed up to max 99.

4.Once data field Position and Size are completed, press Save to be directed to the Export Attendance module. From the Export Attendance Module, Select the, Date Range, and User ID(s), then click on the Export Detail.

*Note: You can filter the User IDs at the Export Attendance module, by TimeTec User ID, Name, and Organization Structure. Additionally, you can select to include Suspended Users to appear in User List.

5.As you clicked on the Export Detail, the system will generate the export file on your TimeTec TA account to check the details of the exported file, and provides you with the 4 available export formats to choose from. Click on the preferred Export format to download the file into your PC.

Below is an .XLS sample exported attendance detail data based on the configured data fields.

B: Summary Schema Template Configuration
1)At your TimeTec TA admin account, go over the attendance module> Export Attendance> Click on the Summary Schema.

2)The Summary Schema contains different data field modules. However, for the data field setup and configuration, repeat steps 2 to 4 of the Detail Schema Configuration.

3)At the Export Attendance Module click on the Export Summary this time, after selecting the date range and Users.

4)After a file is generated, check the summary info, then select to download your preferred format.

Below is an .XLS sample exported attendance summary data based on the configured data fields.


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