How to Add QF Master into Your TimeTec TA

Tuesday, November 26, 2019 TimeTec 0 Comments


QF Master is our newly added Android-based app that caters face recognition and also QR Code identification. QF Master can be used jointly with TimeTec solutions such as TimeTec TA: for attendance clocking, TimeTec Access, TimeTec VMS and i-Neighbour: for door access. More information for QF Master is available at this link.

In this article, we will guide you on how to add QF Master in TimeTec TA. Please note that you will need to purchase a QF Master license before you can add the device into your TimeTec account.

1. Download QF Master > Go to Google Play Store > Enter the name of the application

2. Go to TimeTec TA > Device > QF Master > click on the ( + ) icon to add a new QF Master Device.

3. Fill in the Mobile ID that shows on the TimeTec TA’s device > Add Description > Click on Submit.

4. Go to the QF Master Group Module > Click on the ( + ) icon to add a new QF Master Group > Fill in the Details > Click Save

5. Click on the ( + ) icon to assign a registered QF Master

6. Select the QF Master > Click Submit

7. Click on the (Assign User) icon to assign to a TimeTec TA user

8. Select User > Click Submit to assign users

Face Registration and Enrolment

1. Go to the QF Master Application > Click on setting icon on the bottom left > and Log in.

2. Go to User Management > Select User

3. Enroll user’s face > Click Submit. Once done, try for verification.

Note: If some of the screenshots or steps viewed here are different from the ones in the current system, this is due to our continuous effort to improve our system from time to time. Please notify us at, we will update it as soon as possible.


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Download Transaction Logs from FingerTec Terminal and Import to TimeTec TA

Tuesday, November 26, 2019 TimeTec 0 Comments


Need a hand with the connection issue on the FingerTec terminal?
Need to generate the attendance data urgently from TimeTec TA even during offline?

Worry not, follow the simple steps below to solve these problems. These tips are handy for those who struggle with connection issues with FingerTec Device and rest assure all attendance data will be kept up to date all the time after fixing this.


1. The first step is to download the transaction logs/attendance data from the FingerTec terminal. The process below is conducted using Device TA100C WIFI.

2. Press ‘M/OK’ to access to menu and Choose ‘USB Manager’

3. Select ‘Download’

4. Select ‘Attendance Data’

5. Select the ‘Time Range’

6. Wait for a few minutes for the download to complete. Then, remove the USB drive from
the device


1. Go to Device > FingerTec Terminal > Manage > Download Transaction Logs From USB

2. Browse the attendance logs file (.dat). Enter desired criteria selection for selective transaction saving and User ID. Leave the User ID blank if you wish to download all the users in the attendance logs. Lastly, click on the tick button.

3. Once completed, you may check the transaction logs at Device > Data Audit List. Search any attendance based on the location/serial number of the device to track the attendance record.

4. The attendance report can now be generated for evaluation.

Note: If some of the screenshots or steps viewed here are different from the ones in the current system, this is due to our continuous effort to improve our system from time to time. Please notify us at, we will update it as soon as possible.


Have any questions or inquiries about FingerTec? Drop your input here.

How to Fix Missing System Data Source in ODBC for TCMS V3 and Ingress MDB

Tuesday, November 26, 2019 TimeTec 0 Comments


If you are facing an error message when you are trying to run the TCMS v3 or Ingress MDB software, or sometimes, you are able to run the software but unable to download certain data from the terminal with a showing of 0 data downloaded from the terminal, FingerTec Support team advise users to check and attempt to repair the database connection in the PC ODBC first before running the TCMS v3 or Ingress MDB software. A more detail explanation of this problem can be referred to in the following link.

However, there are some cases that the ODBC system data source will fail to show any data nor point the database (refer to the following screenshot). Here is a tip shares on fixing and making the system data source to reappear and to be able to point the database correctly.

Steps To Fix
1) Click on your PC’s Control Panel > Open Administrative Tools

2) Right-click on the ODBC Data Sources (32-bits) > Properties

3) Change the Target path from %windir%\System32\odbcad32.exe to %windir%\SysWOW64\odbcad32.exe and Click Apply and Save.

4) Once it is completed, the TCMS v3 or Ingress MDB will be showing in the System DSN of the ODBC accordingly. Please proceed with the repair database as explained in the link below.

Note: If some of the screenshots or steps viewed here are different from the ones in the current system, this is due to our continuous effort to improve our system from time to time. Please notify us at, we will update it as soon as possible.


Have any questions or inquiries about FingerTec? Drop your input here.

Upload Existing Users and Devices from Ingress to TimeTec TA

Friday, November 22, 2019 TimeTec 0 Comments

FingerTec has recently released Ingress v3.2.2.20 which includes a new feature, Integrating TimeTec TA with Ingress. This new feature allows clients to upload their existing users and devices to their TimeTec TA account. Furthermore, it also supports pushing data from Ingress software to TimeTec TA without connecting the terminals with TimeTec TA server.

Steps to configure
1)   Please login to TimeTec TA account, go to Company > System Setting. Refer to the SDK Login Detail, the username and password will be used in setting up the configuration.

2)   In the Ingress software, go to System Setting > TimeTec Cloud Solution Setting. Fill in the login details into the TimeTec TA SDK Login Information. You could use the ‘Test Connection’ function to test if the connection is safely connected.

Upload devices to TimeTec TA
1)   To upload the device, go to Ingress software, select Upload Device to TimeTec TA. Select the device and upload it.

2)      If the device has been added into the TimeTec TA account, the status ‘Added’ will appear.

Upload Users
1)      In the Ingress software, go to Users > Upload users to Cloud Solution.

2)      Please be aware that there are 3 mandatory fields to complete, namely the User ID, Name and Email.

3)      To upload users, it is important to make sure the user license in the TimeTec TA account is sufficient.

4)      User ID that existed in TimeTec TA will not be able to re-upload to the Ingress system.

Push attendance log to TimeTec TA Cloud Solution
There are 2 ways to push data to TimeTec TA from Ingress software. The clocking data can be pushed either automatically or manually.

Auto Push
1)      Clocking data will be pushed according to the time interval set through System Settings > System Parameter Settings > Server > Server Download Audit Data Interval

Manual Push
2)      To push data manually, please go to System Settings > TimeTec Cloud Solution Settings > Upload

Please be reminded that in order to have the auto push to function at all times, the device must be activated and be enabled in the Ingress software. Aware that the Ingress server should be running during operation hours.

Note: If some of the screenshots or steps viewed here are different from the ones in the current system, this is due to our continuous effort to improve our system from time to time. Please notify us at, we will update it as soon as possible.


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TimeTec TA - Amend Clocking Schedule for Specific Date without Affecting the Whole Roster

Friday, November 22, 2019 TimeTec 0 Comments

A schedule is a basic time management tool, consisting of a list of times during which tasks, events, or actions might be intended to occur. There will be times when a table conversion is possible for just a day or a week. This change causes existing tables to be disrupted and may disrupt the entire table for a month. Here I will show you how to change the table in the existing roster and not need to change the entire roster.

Create a new clocking schedule.
Homepage, click Schedule > click Clocking Schedule

Click Add > Choose Daily Schedule

Fill in the details. After the configuration is done > click Preview

Click Submit

Go to Schedule > click Assign Schedule and Users into Roster

Choose the roster you want to add a new schedule. Click 2019.

Select the date and click the date to choose

Change schedule no. to the new schedule no.

 After done configure > click Submit

The new pop-up window is to finalize all details before proceed to generate attendance. The date is for users to indicate the exact date for the particular changes. For example, 17oct – 22oct. Click the tick button to save.

The setup is now completed. You may check for verification after the generate attendance is completed.

Note: If some of the screenshots or steps viewed here are different from the ones in the current system, this is due to our continuous effort to improve our system from time to time. Please notify us at, we will update it as soon as possible.


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