[i-Neighbour Admin Guide] Manage Unit - How to Add Unit Owner Individually

Thursday, April 30, 2020 TimeTec 2 Comments

In the previous article, we have demonstrated how you can import the owner details into their respective house/unit through an Excel file. This article will be showing the steps to add the owner details directly to their own unit number.

An admin can carry out the steps easily when they need to add in only 1 or 2 units. However, when it involves more than 10 units, we do recommend importing by using the Excel file. This will speed up the process rather than to add in individually.


1. Click Neighbourhood > Manage Unit

2. Click on the view button to open up the selected building

3. Click at the unit number to add new owner
Red - Unsold
Green - Owner
Purple - Rental Unit
Blue - Non-Member

4. Click on the unsold units and click Add unit owner

5. Fill in the name, email, phone number and change occupancy status to owner. Select to send the login credential ‘Now’ if you wish to directly send out an invitation email to the owner.

6. The process is now completed and the profile has been successfully updated.

7. To activate an account - If the owner has not received an email, you can click on the “Resend Login Credential” button to resend the invitation email. You can also directly request the owner to download the i-Neighbour apps and activate the account by using the given activation code.

Note: If some of the screenshots or steps viewed here are different from the ones in the current system, this is due to our continuous effort to improve our system from time to time. Please notify us at info@i-neighbour.com, we will update it as soon as possible.


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[i-Neighbour - Admin Guide] Manage Unit - How to Add Unit Owner (Import From Excel file)

Thursday, April 30, 2020 TimeTec 2 Comments

There are 2 options to add unit owner details into their respective house/unit: Admin can either add these details individually or to import them all in bulk. This article will be guiding on the steps of importing the owner details directly from an Excel file into the i-Neighbour Web.

However, this import option is ONLY available for units/houses with the status "Unsold".


1. Click Neighbourhood > Manage Unit

2. Click on the view button to open up the selected building

3. Click on “Add owners to unit” . Then, click “Import”

4. Click “View/download sample here” to download the excel template - Only the unsold units will be available in the excel template.

5. This is a sample of an excel template

For Occupancy statuses, please refer to the imported image below:

6. Once it is completed, click Browse and select the excel file. Then, click Next.

7. The system will then present all imported data. Once all the details of the information has been confirmed, click “Next”.

8 . Here you may choose to send login credentials now or later (By default: Later).

If you have selected “Now”, the system will directly send out email after “Import” has been clicked. For “Later” , you may go to Neighbourhood > Manage Unit > Pending activation, to manage how you want to send out all login credentials.

9. Now, you have successfully added a new owner(s).

The yellow box is an indication of pending for activation. Once it has been successfully activated, the colour will be then changed to white.

Note: If some of the screenshots or steps viewed here are different from the ones in the current system, this is due to our continuous effort to improve our system from time to time. Please notify us at info@i-neighbour.com, we will update it as soon as possible.


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New Health Screening Features In Ingress and TCMSV3 Software

Wednesday, April 29, 2020 TimeTec 244 Comments

Due to the coronavirus COVID-19 outbreak in our country and the world, the subsequent course of action - Movement Control Order (MCO) has been implemented in almost every country. Relating closely to this pandemic issue, we have updated a new feature known as Health Screening in our Ingress and TCMSv3 software. This allows you to record and monitor your employees' body temperature data and keep track of their health statuses.

In this article, we will guide you on activating and using this feature. Plus, to generate a comprehensive health report for the company or for authorities reference. This record of staff body temperature complies with Regulation 11 of the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases (No.3) Regulations 2020 in Malaysia. Even though this is not a requirement from the government in other countries, it is a good practise for a company to prevent the spread of coronavirus.

Enable and Activate the Features

1. First of all, to enable this feature you will need to update your Ingress or TCMSv3 software to the latest version ‘Ingress v4.0.0.17’ and ‘TCMSv3’. You can download the latest installer file from our FingerTec website using the following link www.fingertec.com/software

2. Once you have updated the software, you can find this new feature under the Monitoring tab > Health Screening. To activate this new feature you will need to get the Licence key by contacting our sales or your local reseller.

How to use the Health Screening Features

1. First, you will need to assign one staff member to perform a body temperature screening before the employee enters the premises.

2. Then, she/he can record all the info in the Ingress or TCMSv3 software by going to Monitoring tab > select Health Screening > Add New Record > select and expand User > Key In the Body Temperature and Remark.


There are two types of reports that you can generate from the software. The first type of reports is the Health Screening Report whereas the second type of reports is the Health Screening Summary Report. You can find both reports under the Report tab > Monitoring Analysis.

1. Health Screening Report

2. Health Screening Summary Report

Note: If some of the screenshots or steps viewed here are different from the ones in the current system, this is due to our continuous effort to improve our system from time to time. Please notify us at info@timeteccloud.com, we will update it as soon as possible.


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Record Employee Temperature Data and Trace Close Contact using TimeTec TA

Wednesday, April 29, 2020 TimeTec 3 Comments

Covid-19 Pandemic has sent a shock to the world, and everybody is forced to adjust their daily routine to reduce the risk of this virus transmission. Many industries have adopted work from home during the MCO and lockdown, and now everybody is preparing for ways to return to work safely and confidently.

When the government lifts the MCO and business reopens, the Malaysia government requires all employers to record employees daily temperature and keep the data for at least three months. Even though this is not a requirement from the government in other countries, it is a good practise for a company to prevent the spread of coronavirus.

TimeTec TA is an attendance management system that provides the most crucial feature during this time: Health Screening and Tracing of Close Contact.

To start, sign up at www.timetecta.com. Once you have an account, the first thing you need is to add your employees’ profile.

Go to Users > Manager Users and start to import users by batch.

Record Employees Daily Temperature while Clocking

To record employees’ temperature reading, go to Attendance > Health Screening. The admin can filter by Attendance Date to insert employees’ temperature. Multiple temperatures of the employee can be recorded at different times per day.

Remark column is also available for the administrator to insert any sickness reported by the employees eg: fever, flu, cough etc.

Two reports are available at Reports > Health Screening.

For employees who are working from home, they can clock attendance using TimeTec TA smartphone App with GPS location at home. The absence of body temperature data is proof that he/she is working from home and not at the office. 

Tracing of Close Contacts

For mobile employees, they can clock their work time using TimeTec TA App when they arrive at different locations using the GPS clocking option, which will keep the location data intact. The employees then can record individuals whom they had close contact with, whether it’s during a face-to-face meeting with the clients or attending training or other matters, by filling up the information in the Clocking Remark column. This gathered information could help identify the close contacts in case someone in the chain is positive with Covid-19.

The detailed records can be retrieved by the administrator at TimeTec TA web portal Device > Data Audit List and Reports > Mobile Location Tracking Report.

By using TimeTec TA, companies have employees health screening reports safe and accurate, and the system simplifies the tracing of close contacts in case of someone contracts positive Covid-19. All data will be available in real-time, accessible via TimeTec TA portal anytime.

TimeTec TA also comes with other useful features such as shift scheduling, OT approval, multi-tenancy design to manage staff attendance in the most effective ways.

If you require any assistance or you want to explore TimeTec TA further, please contact info@timeteccloud.com.

Note: If some of the screenshots or steps viewed here are different from the ones in the current system, this is due to our continuous effort to improve our system from time to time. Please notify us at info@timeteccloud.com, we will update it as soon as possible.

Related Post:


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TCMSv3 v3.0.1.6 Software Release Note

Wednesday, April 29, 2020 TimeTec 0 Comments

This month, FingerTec has released the latest TCMSv3 software v3.0.1.6 with 8 new features added and 15 bugs fixed. These enhancements target to improve users experience when deploying our TCMSv3 Software.

New Release
1. Added search field to search for devices in the tree view mode.

2. Added new windows "What's new" that will display the latest changes after updating software.

3. Added new windows "Total User Information" that will display more detailed information of the total users.

4. Added option to define schedule clocking type from the schedule settings in Attendance tab

5. Added new sorting option "Date" in the Holiday Listing Report

6. Added new sorting option "User Name" in the Transaction Listing Report

7. Added Health Screening Feature under Monitoring

8. Added new reports under the types of Health Screening Report and Health Screening Summary Report

Bug Fixed
1. Rectified the inability of reading all transaction logs in the Import Transaction Log
2. Rectified incorrect attendance sheet displayed with clocking, edited and rounding involved
3. Rectified system crashed issue when adding a new group duty roster
4. Rectified system crashed issue when Day type Holiday is selected
5. Rectified incorrect result of Attendance Sheet Report in the extra column that displays the month of February
6. Rectified incorrect sorting of User ID in the Attendance Sheet Report
7. Rectified incorrect result of late in and early out in the Attendance Summary Report
8. Rectified the inability of accepting email address with 1 character domain name
9. Rectified the progress bar issue when uploaded is completed
10. Rectified failure to save leave type in the user duty planner when using the Arabic language
11. Rectified incorrect users displayed after adding new users to shift type group duty roster
12. Rectified failure to display holidays imported from TCMSv2 Migration Wizard in the Holiday Listing Report
13. Rectified the incorrect date range displayed in the Transaction Listing Report
14. Rectified the incorrect display of clocking time when applying double punches and rounding in the Flexi Schedule
15. Rectified the incompletion of roster details after importing the roster via excel file format into the User Duty Planner tab

Note: If some of the screenshots or steps viewed here are different from the ones in the current system, this is due to our continuous effort to improve our system from time to time. Please notify us at info@timeteccloud.com, we will update it as soon as possible.


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How to use Health Screening Feature in TimeTec VMS

Tuesday, April 28, 2020 TimeTec 3 Comments

TimeTec VMS has introduced the Health Screening Feature as one of the latest updates for our “Back to Work Safely” series. The Health Screening Feature contains vital health inquiry questions which include body temperature, travel history and quarantine status. This information is compulsory for visitors to furnish during the pre-registration and check-in process. This feature is available on TimeTec VMS as a precautionary measure to reduce the risk of Covid-19 transmission inside a business premise.

This technical tip guides on how to activate the Health Screening Feature in TimeTec VMS.

Section A: How to enable Health Screening feature:

1. Login to TimeTec VMS, click Settings > choose Visitation Settings  > at the left panel, click  Health Screening.

2. Enable the Health Screening Feature by activating the toggle button. The settings for the health screening feature will display once the feature is enabled. Click on the Edit button and set the rules accordingly.

3. Click on the + button to add extra heath screening questions. Use the checkbox to show/hide the fields from the registration form. Use the X button to remove the extra fields permanently.

4. Set the triggering point for the alert system according to your company’s SOP. Tick the checkbox to enable the specific criteria and use the dropdown to set the condition. Please note that, if the multiple triggering criteria are being turned on, the admin will then receive a notification whenever a visitor corresponds to any of the configured criteria.

5. Use the checkbox to select the recipients for notification. Once the settings is completed, save it by clicking on the tick button at the top right corner. The Health Screening Feature will then be ready to use.
(Note: Only users with admin privileges can be selected to receive the notification alert. It is also important to make sure you have already assigned an admin to all desired notification’s recipients.)

Section B: How to use the Health Screening Feature

1. Registration: There are no changes made on generating invitations or to the process of registering visitors when you enable the Health Screening Feature. You can find the added section on the page with the respective forms which contains all the preconfigured questions of the essential health screening check. All visitors need to provide this information before entering any premises.

a. Invitation Form

b. Pre-registration & Queue Relief Form

c. Walk-in Registration

2. Check-in: There are no changes made to the check-in process as well. You can find the added section on the page with the particular form that contains all preconfigured questions of the essential health screening check. The information provided by the visitor will allow the front desk to reconfirm the health screening details and input the required reading of the body temperature.

3. Alert Notification: We highly recommend the front desk to prevent visitors from checking in if the visitor is a risk to the premise based on the criteria we set in the Health Screening system. However, if the front desk failed to do so and allow these visitors to check-in, the selected admin will receive an alert notification about this check-in immediately (if the premises enable this feature in the settings).

4. View Report: The Admin will be able to view the Health Screening record of the visitor from the Visitor’s Details page by clicking on the visitor’s name.

The report is also available at the visitor record’s page. From the Visitors module > click Health Screening Record.

This Health Screening feature is an important addition to TimeTec VMS amid the Covid-19 pandemic. Turning on this feature and practising the appropriate steps to scan all visitors coming in and out of premises after the MCO will reduce the risk of Covid-19 transmission significantly.

Note: If some of the screenshots or steps viewed here are different from the ones in the current system, this is due to our continuous effort to improve our system from time to time. Please notify us at info@timeteccloud.com, we will update it as soon as possible.


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