TCMSv3 Release Note v3.1.0.2

Wednesday, March 03, 2021 TimeTec 0 Comments

This month FingerTec has released TCMSv3 software v3.1.02 which adds 7 new features and 10 bug fixes to enhance the user experience when using Ingress Software.

1.Added new date selection (Last Payroll Cycle) when generating an attendance sheet.

2. Added customized field for Export User data.

3. Added "Temperature Alert" and "Without Mask" filter options for Health Screening Report and Visitor Report.

4. Added "Show All Users" option inside the Health Screening Summary report.

5. Added new user roles for Pay Type and Pay Rate.

6. Added Issue Date, Expiry Date and Palm Vein options in the Users Column Chooser.

7. Added report logo at System Settings – Report.

Bug Fixed:
8. Fixed Last Name displayed first does not work in ETC Report when generating from Report Scheduler.

9. Fixed incorrect result displayed on ETC Report when untick show zero-hour option.

10. Fixed double punch clocking goes to the next day IN column when using the last log out time with the first rounding time range (Flexi Schedule).

11. Fixed incorrect sorting for date-time (AM/PM) in the Transaction Listing Report.

12. Fixed incorrect calculation Total OT and Diff OT when interval starts from 00:00/12:00 AM.

13. Fixed manually download cause TIMING file missing logs if remove transaction after auto-download is enabled.

14. Fixed failed to remove leave type in attendance sheet when using User Duty Planner.

15. Fixed incorrect date range display in the report if filter by "Last Month".

16. Fixed crash issue in Weekly Listing Report after Export by User Selection was clicked.

17. Fixed unable to export attendance to Sage UBS Payroll when using Employee ID.


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