How to Backup and Restore AWDMS Database using a Third Party mySQL Manager Tool

Monday, August 30, 2021 TimeTec 1 Comments

It is crucial to backup the database of AWDMS regularly. This backup process is necessary to avoid losing all of the software's contents and settings should the software crash or the hard disk of the computer malfunctions. Only with a backup can all the data be restored. By using any MySQL manager, admin or GUI tool, you can tremendously reduce the time needed to restore a large database. The MySQL Manager is inexpensive, you can obtain it for free by downloading it from the Internet.

Backup Process
1. Please download the MySQL Manager tool from the link below:
SQLyog installer (64-bit operating system)

2. After successfully installing the SQL Community, please run the software to connect with the MYSQL database. First, you need to fill the required Host address, Username and Port of the MYSQL database. Then, click on Test Connection and Connect.

3. Upon connecting to the localhost database, you should see on the left panel of the window a list of the available databases. Next, right click on AWDMS and select Backup/Export and Backup database as SQL Dump.

4. Click on Structure and Data > Select ALL Object(s) > Choose folder to store the database > Now that the settings have been configured, click 'Export' to start the backup process. The program will inform you when it is completed.

5. Now, you need to copy one folder that contains a user photo for backup purposes in case there is no user photo available once you restore the AWDS backup database on a different PC.

Go to C:\Program Files\BioSecurity\service\zkbiosecurity\BioSecurityFile\upload and copy the whole Upload folder. You can paste this folder in the same location above if you are moving AWDMS to a different PC.

Restore Database
1. At the SQLyog Community software, connect into the localhost database. Right click on AWDMS, select Import, and then Execute SQL Script.

2. Click the “…” icon to select the backup file path. Click Execute to restore the database.

3. Next, you can copy and paste the Upload folder (Step 5) in the same location at C:\Program Files\BioSecurity\service\zkbiosecurity\BioSecurityFile. Now, the restore process for AWDMS is complete and you can use AWDMS with Ingress software as usual.

Note: If some of the screenshots or steps viewed here are different from the ones in the current system, this is due to our continuous effort to improve our system from time to time. Please notify us at, we will update it as soon as possible.

1 comment:

  1. Hello..
    Recently i installed Face ID5 at my client office, but when i had difficulties when connect to AWDMS. it cant be search AWDMS, i already set the network using correct port dan correct ip server.
    can you give me solution for the problem.


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