How to Import Public Holiday in TimeTec TA / Leave
Public holidays in Malaysia are regulated at federal and state levels, mainly based on a list of federal holidays observed nationwide and a few other holidays observed by each state and federal territory. Here, we provide a quick guide to add Public Holiday in TimeTec TA and Leave.
Public holidays in Malaysia are regulated at federal and state levels, mainly based on a list of federal holidays observed nationwide and a few other holidays observed by each state and federal territory. Here, we provide a quick guide to add Public Holiday in TimeTec TA and Leave.
A. Import from System
1. Go to Company > Organization Structure.
- This step is to ensure that you have set your Organization Structure and assign users under each department / branch since each state has different Public Holidays.
i. TimeTec TA (Go to Schedule > Holiday).
4. Select Country > Year > Public Holiday > Organization Structure > Submit.
3. Green box will appear after the submission.
i. Blue Box - Holiday Import from the system.
ii. Green Box - Holiday manually added into the system.
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