How to Import Public Holiday in TimeTec TA / Leave

Tuesday, August 17, 2021 TimeTec 0 Comments

Public holidays in Malaysia are regulated at federal and state levels, mainly based on a list of federal holidays observed nationwide and a few other holidays observed by each state and federal territory. Here, we provide a quick guide to add Public Holiday in TimeTec TA and Leave.

A. Import from System
1. Go to Company > Organization Structure.
- This step is to ensure that you have set your Organization Structure and assign users under each department / branch since each state has different Public Holidays.

2. The setup for Public Holiday for both TA and Leave is the same except for the initial part. For the initial part, you may follow the below step; other steps are the same.

i. TimeTec TA (Go to Schedule > Holiday).

ii. TimeTec Leave (Leave Settings > Holiday).

3. Click Import Holiday.

4. Select Country > Year > Public Holiday > Organization Structure > Submit.

5. For a confirmation that Holiday has been imported, Select organization structure > Submit.

B. Manually Add into System
1. Select Organization Structure > Submit > Click on selected dates.

2. Insert Holiday Name > Submit.

3. Green box will appear after the submission.
i. Blue Box - Holiday Import from the system.
ii. Green Box - Holiday manually added into the system.

Note: If some of the screenshots or steps viewed here are different from the ones in the current system, this is due to our continuous effort to improve our system from time to time. Please notify us at, we will update it as soon as possible.


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