TimeTec VMS - Add Meetings with Visitor into Third Party Calendar Application
To ease the use of the third-party Calendar application in TimeTec VMS, when a visitation in TimeTec VMS is created or confirmed, both host and visitor that have provided an email address shall receive the confirmation mailer. In addition, the mailer now has an “Add to Calendar” button, allowing hosts to mark the appointment to their calendars such as Outlook calendar, Google Calendar and more. You may follow the below steps to utilize this feature.
To ease the use of the third-party Calendar application in TimeTec VMS, when a visitation in TimeTec VMS is created or confirmed, both host and visitor that have provided an email address shall receive the confirmation mailer. In addition, the mailer now has an “Add to Calendar” button, allowing hosts to mark the appointment to their calendars such as Outlook calendar, Google Calendar and more. You may follow the below steps to utilize this feature.
1. To invite visitors, refer to instructions in the link below. https://www.fingertectips.com/2020/01/how-to-invite-visitors-using-timetec.html
2. When the invitation link has been created, the host will receive an email with the details of the visit. Click the “Add to Calendar” button to add the visit to your calendar.
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