How to Enable Vaccination Record in Visitor Registration Form for TimeTec VMS

Tuesday, May 31, 2022 TimeTec 1 Comments

TimeTec VMS has introduced the Health Screening Feature as one of the latest updates for our “Back to Work Safely” series. The Health Screening Feature contains vital health inquiry questions which include body temperature, travel history and quarantine status. This information is compulsory for visitors to furnish during the pre-registration and check-in process. This feature is available on TimeTec VMS as a precautionary measure to reduce the risk of Covid-19 transmission inside a business premise. In addition to the Health Screening Feature in TimeTec VMS, visitor may now input their vaccination records and attach their vaccination status or swab test result as well during the registration. We will demonstrate how to enable the vaccination status in the Health Screening questionnaire in this article.

1. In TimeTec VMS, when logged in as Admin, go to Settings > Visitation Settings.

2. In Settings page, click on Health Screening option from the left pane, then once Health Screening Details page appear on the right pane, click on the Edit button (Pencil icon)

3. Scroll down until the Vaccination Records section as below. Click to enable the question in the Visitor Registration form. If visitors are required to attach the vaccination certificate or the swab test result as well, you may enable the Attachment option.

4. Once enabled in the Health Screening Details, visitors will need to update their vaccination records status and attach together their swab test result or screenshot of vaccination certificate (if enabled as well) during filling up visitor registration form either from the invitation link, queue relief link or pre-registration link. Vaccination records may need to be entered by security personnel if using walk-in registration via web registration or i-Vizit tablet.

 Note: If some of the screenshots or steps viewed here are different from the ones in the current system, this is due to our continuous effort to improve our system from time to time. Please notify us at, we will update it as soon as possible.


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Manage Cost Center in TimeTec Claim

Tuesday, May 31, 2022 TimeTec 0 Comments

Cost centers help management utilize resources in smarter ways by having a greater understanding of how they are being used. Timetec Claim do have option to add different cost center for claim process. This will help the management to monitor and manage the claim process in their company. Here, we will guide on Managing Cost Center in Timetec Claim.

A. Setting (Website)
1. Go to Company > System Settings.

2. Go to  Claim Management > Click Edit (Pencil Icon).

3. Click + ADD MORE to add new Cost Center.
    i: Edit (Pencil Icon) - Use to Rename the Cost Center
    ii: Delete (Bin Icon) - Use to Delete the Cost Center
    iii: Add ( + Icon) - Use to Add New Cost Center

4. Fill Up Cost Center Name > Save > Click Submit.

5. Click Save > Total Cost Center will change and update based on setup done.

B. Selection of Cost Center
1. Website
i: Go to Home > Click + for New Claim Application.

ii. New Cost Center will appear for selection.

2. Mobile Application (Timetec Office).
i: Go to Home Application > Click Add (+ icon).

ii: New Cost Centre will appear for selection.

Note: If some of the screenshots or steps viewed here are different from the ones in the current system, this is due to our continuous effort to improve our system from time to time. Please notify us at, we will update it as soon as possible.


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How to Setup Charge Rates for Casual Parking on Timetec Parking

Tuesday, May 31, 2022 TimeTec 0 Comments

Casual parking normally is charged hourly, it's flexible, convenience and accessible by any casual parkers. TimeTec Parking System for casual parking is the perfect solution for short stays and convenience.
Casual and hourly parking is perfect for those periods when you need flexibility. It's a great way to park for a quick shop or meeting near your destination. You simply pay by the hour for the duration spent.
A variety of cashless payment combined parking methods are offered by TimeTec Parking, for example, credit & debit card, eWallet (QR Code), Touch 'n Go RFID & TNG eWallet (Malaysia only) License Plate Recognition (LPR) etc as effective parking.

1. On TimeTec Parking web, go to Parking Rule tab > Charge Rates > click Add button > Entry Basis.

2. Set the Rate Name and Effective Date.

3. Set the Free Access Duration and Max charges per day.
a) Free Access Duration- there are no charges apply if entrance and exit within the minutes
b) Include free access when charges apply- to include the free duration minutes or not when charges apply.
c)Max charges per day- The maximum charge rate within a day.

4. Select the charge type
a) Time Interval - charges count according to parking time duration, for example every 60 minutes as first interval, 120 minutes as subsequent interval.

b) Time Range - charges count according to the time range with different rate.

c) Cross-day time - set the last time to be counted as the same day.

d) Remain charge rate as same day - select this to count the same rate if Out time is after ‘Cross day time’.

e) Split charge rate into different days - select this to start count new rate if Out time is after ‘Cross day time’

f) Split charge by block - Split the rate into block, for example first interval rate is RM3, set 20 minutes per block. If the parking duration is 40 minutes, the charges will be RM2.

g) Flat Rate - set the time range to be counted as Flat rate.

5. Set the rate configuration for all day and Holiday. You may use ‘Copy From’ to copy rate configuration from other day.

6. Click Submit button to save the rate configuration

Note: If some of the screenshots or steps viewed here are different from the ones in the current system, this is due to our continuous effort to improve our system from time to time. Please notify us at, we will update it as soon as possible.


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AWDMS Unable to Run or Load

Tuesday, May 31, 2022 TimeTec 6 Comments

AWDMS is a middleware for Smart AC1 and Face ID5 device series to connect to Ingress Software. The AWDMS act as a centralized software that hold information of the devices that is connected to it. If the AWDMS is not able to run or load, Ingress Software will not able to retrieved data and further troubleshooting and checking need to be done on AWDMS. Most of the cases for the AWDMS is not able to run or load is due to its service (BioPlatform Cache Service) is not running or unable to run or stopped. The following steps will guide on how to troubleshoot with the issue.

1.       Go to Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services > Stop BioPlatform Online Protect Service first and then stop BioPlatform Cache Service > Please make sure they show stopped or not running.

2.       Open installation folder (default location is at C:\Program Files\BioSecurity\service\zkredis) and Delete appendaonly.aof File

3.       Start back BioPlatform Cache Service > then start BioPlatform Online Protect Service

4.       Run AWDMS again and check as AWDMS should be able to load and running again

Note: If some of the screenshots or steps viewed here are different from the ones in the current system, this is due to our continuous effort to improve our system from time to time. Please notify us at, we will update it as soon as possible. 



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How to Update License before Adding New Devices in AWDMS Software

Tuesday, May 31, 2022 TimeTec 1 Comments

You might wonder why the new Face ID 5/Smart AC devices cannot be added to Ingress and AWDMS software even though all the configuration has been made correctly. You can search the device in AWDMS software and connect with the device info tool but still, you unable to add the device.  
The issue happened due to the AWDMS license is limited to existing number of devices that has been added to AWDMS software. For this case, you might need to update your existing AWDMS license to add more devices in the software.
1. Before adding your new devices in AWDMS and Ingress software, please check the available number of doors that can be added. You can click on About (i icon) in AWDMS software to check the Available/Total Points.
This information will let you know the available number of new devices that you can add in the software. If the number is shown as 0/1Door(s), it means 0 available device that you can add in the software. This Available/Total Points information is based on the AWDMS license that has been activated before.

2. To add more devices, you must update the existing AWDMS license to increase the number of devices that can be added in one AWDMS software. You can request to update the license from our Timetec Computing Sdn Bhd’s Sales Team at Please make sure to attach all the information below in the email.
    i: Original AWDMS License *-SN.xml file
    ii: Existing device serial number
    iii: New device serial number
3. Once you get the confirmation from our sales team, you can go to About (I icon) in AWDMS software and click Online Update.

4. After you click the Online Update, it will increase the number of available doors that can be added to AWDMS software. Now, you can proceed to add the new devices without issue anymore.

Note: If some of the screenshots or steps viewed here are different from the ones in the current system, this is due to our continuous effort to improve our system from time to time. Please notify us at, we will update it as soon as possible.



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i-Account - How to Perform First Time Bank Reconciliation

Wednesday, May 18, 2022 TimeTec 2 Comments

For i-Account users, reconciling the bank records in the system against the actual bank statement is an important monthly task. Admins can use the bank reconciliation function in the system to complete this process. 

Refer below for a guide on starting the first month bank reconciliation.

How To Perform First Month End Reconciliation

1. Go to Banking and General Ledger > Transactions > Reconcile Bank Account to start the first month end reconciliation.

2. First, select the relevant bank account from the Account dropdown menu. 

3. At the Bank Statement menu, select “New” to create a new bank reconciliation. 

4. Next, choose the From and To dates. Choose an appropriate date range to ensure all transactions in the system are included in the listing below. 

From: Choose the date of the earliest transaction in the system.  For example, if the earliest transaction is for the migration date of June 30th 2021, you can select that date or even much earlier such as January 1st 2020.
To: Choose the reconciliation date, e.g.,  July 31st 2021. 

5. Next, under Reconcile Date, select the reconciliation date (e.g., July 31st 2021). Enter the Ending Balance (balance in actual bank statement on the reconciliation date). Tick at least one checkbox in the transaction listing below to save this page. 

Note: Do not key in any value for Beginning Balance (leave as 0.00 for first month reconciliation). This balance is auto brought forward from the previous month reconciliation.

6. Scroll down to view the list of transactions within the selected date range.

7. Check if there are any opening balance entries and unreconciled items on the migration date (e.g., June 30th 2021). Tick the Reconcile checkbox based on the following conditions:
i: Journal Entry for the Bank GL opening balance on the migration date (e.g., June 30th 2021) – Tick
ii: Unpresented cheques & Uncredited deposits on the migration date – Tick only if already cleared in the bank on reconciliation date (31 July 2021). Do not tick if it still remains uncleared.
iii: Journal entry for reversal of Unpresented cheques & Uncredited deposits on the migration date - Tick

8. Next, reconcile for the first month transactions. Every time you tick (untick) a checkbox, the page will be auto-saved. 
i: Tick all the receipts and payments shown in the transaction listing if they match the actual bank statement (cleared the bank).
ii: Enter any receipts or payments (e.g., bank interest/ bank charges) appearing on the bank statement, which have not yet been recorded into the system record. 
iii: Rectify any differences found for a transaction between the system and bank records (e.g., wrongly keyed in values, duplicate entries etc.).

9. Difference column should be “0.00” if bank reconciliation is completed.

10. After completing the reconciliation, you can download the Bank Reconciliation Statement by clicking on “Bank Reconciliation Report”. The same statement can also be generated at Reports > Banking > Bank Reconciliation Report.

Note: If some of the screenshots or steps viewed here are different from the ones in the current system, this is due to our continuous effort to improve our system from time to time. Please notify us at, we will update it as soon as possible.


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