How to Clean Old Attendance Photo for Face ID 5 Series

Monday, August 29, 2022 TimeTec 0 Comments

It is crucial to perform maintenance for attendance photos regularly to maintain the database size for Ingress and AWDMS. Too many attendance photos will cause database size to keep on increasing tremendously and cause a backup problem if there is too much data. 

Device side
1) Please make sure you downloaded all the logs and attendance photos into your software 
2) Delete the attendance photos in the device to avoid old attendance photos being downloaded again into the database upon performing the maintenance
Go to Menu > Data Mgt > Delete Data > Delete Attendance Photo > can select Delete All or Delete by Time Range 

Software Side 
1) Backup Process: 
Please copy one folder that contains a user photo and attendance photo for backup purposes in case the administrators need to re-check the attendance photo for future usage
Go to C:\Program Files\BioSecurity\service\zkbiosecurity\BioSecurityFile\upload and copy the whole Upload folder then paste it elsewhere as your backup 

2) Delete old attendance photo in AWDMS
a. Go to the respective attendance photo folder location in Program Files C:\ProgramFiles\BioSecurity\service\zkbiosecurity\BioSecurityFile\upload\event\photo

b. Upon going to the photo folder, you can view all Face ID 5/Smart AC series device serial number 

c. Open each serial number folder to delete the old attendance photo. Right-click to sort all the attendance photos by name/date to ease the selecting and deleting process

d. Select your preferred data to be deleted

3. Please download the MySQL Manager tool from the link below to delete attendance photos in the Ingress database:
SQLyog installer (64-bit operating system)
SQLyog installer (32-bit operating system)

a. After successfully installing the SQL Community, please run the software to connect with the MYSQL database. First, you need to fill in the required Host address, Username and Port of the MYSQL database. Then, click on Test Connection and Connect.

b. Upon connecting to the localhost database, you should see on the left panel of the window a list of the available databases. Next, click + on the Ingress database and + table 

c. Click on att_photo and click Table Data 

d. Run the command below on the query tab to delete the attendance photo based on the date range 
DELETE FROM `attn_photo` WHERE checktime >= '2022-01-01' AND checktime < '2022-12-28' ;
Remark: Please adjust the date based on your preferred data to be deleted 

Note: If some of the screenshots or steps viewed here are different from the ones in the current system, this is due to our continuous effort to improve our system from time to time. Please notify us at, we will update it as soon as possible.


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Manage Job Posting Approval Rules in TimeTec Hire

Saturday, August 27, 2022 TimeTec 12 Comments

A job posting is an advertisement for an open job position. The purpose of a job posting is to inform potential job candidates about a new opening and attract them to apply. Usually, the admin will prepare the job template and will pass it to the approver to review before the job posting can be done. The steps typically involve different departments and employees who review the work and either approve or reject it. Timetec Hire also has this feature to ensure job posting can be done in a systematic and much easier way.

1. Go to Timetec Hire > User > Job Posting Approval Rules.

2. Click Add (+).

3. Go to Step 1 > Fill up Name of Approval Process > Tick the required division > Click Next.

4. Go to Step 2 > You need to select the approval method (Auto Approve or Set Approvers).

A. Auto Approve (Automatic approval without the need for an approver) 
You can tick on Auto Approve and Click Save to complete the new setup for job posting approval rules.

B. Set Approvers (Approvers are needed before the job posting process is complete)
For this setting, you have two options : 

i- Sequential - This approval method lets you set the approvers for this employee and its approval sequence. Please note that the approval process will follow the sequence set, which means that the second approver cannot do an approval until the first approver has done his for the employee's expense report.

ii- Random - Requires all selected users to approve but without any multi-layer order.

Note: If some of the screenshots or steps viewed here are different from the ones in the current system, this is due to our continuous effort to improve our system from time to time. Please notify us at, we will update it as soon as possible.


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How to Pre-register as a Visitor using the iNeighbour App

Friday, August 26, 2022 TimeTec 0 Comments

Visitors can pre-register themselves to visit the homes of friends and family via the i-Neighbour app. During the registration process, visitors will be notified once the home owner has accepted their request to visit on the chosen date and time.

How To Pre-register
1.  Launch the i-Neighbour App.
    - Tap on “I did not receive an activation code” link highlighted by the red box.

2. Tap on the “Just Exploring” button, then the “Register as Visitor” tab on the next page.

    - Tap on the "Sign Up as Visitor” link, then the “Sign Up as Visitor” button on the next page.

3. Tap on “Yes, register me as a visitor” to proceed.

4. Fill in the relevant  information, then tap “Next”.
Relevant information:
- Name
- Email
- Mobile number
- Gender (Drop down list)
- Password
- Confirm password

Note:  Accept the terms of service and privacy policy before proceeding.

5. Confirm your email is correct before tapping on “Proceed”.

6. Reconfirm the information you provided, fill in your home/office address, and tap submit.         - You should then receive a confirmation pop-up.

7. Tap on Pre-Registration.

8. Type in the name of the residence you are visiting in the search bar.
    - Tap on the name of the residence that appears to proceed.
Note: Confirm the residence name is the right one before selecting.

9. Using the drop down lists, select the “Block/Street” and the “Unit No.” you are visiting.
    - Type in the resident name and tap the search icon.
    - Tap on the correct resident name that appears.
Note: Confirm with the home owner you are visiting, on the name he/she used to registered their home unit with i-Neighbour. The resident name will not appear for selection if the name does not match the name he/she registered with.

10. Enter the relevant information:
- Purpose of visit
- Visit type (One time/ Multiple In-Out/ Recurring)
- IC number
- Car number plate (If drive-in visitor)
- Number of visitors

10.1 One time
The QR code will be valid for one time check-in only
Note: Change date and time using the respective icons marked by the red box. This is the same for all Visit Types.

10.2 Multiple In-Out
The QR code will be valid multiple times for check-in and check-out from the arrival date to the departure date. The maximum validity an owner can choose is 31 days.
Note: This is only applicable for the same month.

10.3 Recurring
The QR code will be valid multiple times for check-in and check-out on the chosen days and time each week from the start date to the end date
Note: This is only applicable for the period between the chosen Start and End dates.

11. After tapping “Submit”, you will then receive this pop-up notification. Inform the home owner of your request and wait for approval.

12. After approval of visit from the home owner, the visitor can tap on “Upcoming Visit”button to obtain the QR code.

If you are still having problems after completing all of the steps stated above, please contact us via

Note: If some of the screenshots or steps viewed here are different from the ones in the current system, this is due to our continuous effort to improve our system from time to time. Please notify us at, we will update it as soon as possible.


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How to Set Up Key Collection Schedule using iNeighbour Web

Wednesday, August 24, 2022 TimeTec 0 Comments

Residence management can set up a schedule for key collection via the iNeighbour web application. After the setup, homeowners can book slots for key collection using their iNeighbour mobile app.

1. Under the Management tab click on Key Collection.

2. Click on the “Create Now” button to proceed.

3. Enable the booking toggle button to allow homeowners to book their key collection slot.

4. Click on the drop-down list to select the number of days required to book in advance.

5. Select the “Manually Approve” option, then select admin with full access to approve slots booked by homeowners.

6. - Toggle “Auto Reminder” to remind homeowners of booked slot a day before.
    - Fill in the address of the key collection location and the contact information of the person     in charge.
    - Click next when done.

7. Give the schedule a name for easier identification.

8. Select the Start and End date of the Key Collection period using the drop-down calendar.

9. - Choose desired days and the number of slots for each day.
    - Click Next when finished.


10. Set up time slots and the person in charge for each day, then click submit.

11. - After creation, management can still edit the schedule under the Key Collections section.
    - Just click the pencil icon to make changes, if needed.

If you are still having problems after completing all of the steps stated above, please contact us via

Note: If some of the screenshots or steps viewed here are different from the ones in the current system, this is due to our continuous effort to improve our system from time to time. Please notify us at, we will update it as soon as possible.


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